jQuery EasyUI menus and buttons - Creating a simple menu

Menu (Menu) is defined in some DIV tag, as follows:

	<Div id = "mm" class = "easyui-menu" style = "width: 120px;">
		<Div onclick = "javascript: alert ( 'new')"> New </ div>
			<Span> Open </ span>
			<Div style = "width: 150px;">
				<Div> <b> Word </ b> </ div>
				<Div> Excel </ div>
				<Div> PowerPoint </ div>
			</ Div>
		</ Div>
		<Div icon = "icon-save"> Save </ div>
		<Div class = "menu-sep"> </ div>
		<Div> Exit </ div>
	</ Div>

After the menu is created is not displayed, call the 'show' method to display it, or call the 'hide' method to hide it:

	$ ( '# Mm'). Menu ( 'show', {
	  left: 200,
	  top: 100

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