jQuery EasyUI window - Custom Window Toolbars

By default, the window (window) has four tools: collapsible, minimizable, maximizable and closable. For example, we define the following window (window):

	<Div id = "win" class = "easyui-window" title = "My Window" style = "padding: 10px; width: 200px; height: 100px;">
		window content
	</ Div>

For a custom tool, the tool is set to true or false. For example, we want to define a window (window), just having a closable tool. You should set any other tool to false. We can mark or by jQuery code defines the tools properties. Now we use jQuery code to define the window (window):

	$ ( '# Win'). Window ({
		collapsible: false,
		minimizable: false,
		maximizable: false

If we want to add custom tools to the window (window), we can use the tools properties. As examples demonstrate, we add two tools to the window (window):

	$ ( '# Win'). Window ({
		collapsible: false,
		minimizable: false,
		maximizable: false,
		tools: [{
			iconCls: 'icon-add',
			handler: function () {
				alert ( 'add');
		}, {
			iconCls: 'icon-remove',
			handler: function () {
				alert ( 'remove');

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