jQuery EasyUI window - the window layout

Layout component can be embedded in the window (window) in. We can create a complex layout window, you do not even need to write any js code. jquery-easyui framework to help us do the rendering in the background and adjust the size.

As an example, we create a window (window), which consists of two parts, one to the left of a place on the right. In the left window (window) we create a tree menu (tree), in the right window (window) we create a container tabs.

	<Div class = "easyui-window" title = "Layout Window" icon = "icon-help" style = "width: 500px; height: 250px; padding: 5px; background: #fafafa;">
		<Div class = "easyui-layout" fit = "true">
			<Div region = "west" split = "true" style = "width: 120px;">
				<Ul class = "easyui-tree">
						<Span> Library </ span>
							<Li> <span> easyui </ span> </ li>
							<Li> <span> Music </ span> </ li>
							<Li> <span> Picture </ span> </ li>
							<Li> <span> Database </ span> </ li>
						</ Ul>
					</ Li>
				</ Ul>
			</ Div>
			<Div region = "center" border = "false" border = "false">
				<Div class = "easyui-tabs" fit = "true">
					<Div title = "Home" style = "padding: 10px;">
						jQuery easyui framework help you build your web page easily.
					</ Div>
					<Div title = "Contacts">
						No contact data.
					</ Div>
				</ Div>
			</ Div>
			<Div region = "south" border = "false" style = "text-align: right; height: 30px; line-height: 30px;">
				<a class="easyui-linkbutton" icon="icon-ok" href="javascript:void(0)"> Ok </a>
				<a class="easyui-linkbutton" icon="icon-cancel" href="javascript:void(0)"> Cancel </a>
			</ Div>
		</ Div>
	</ Div>

Look at the above code, we only use HTML tags, a complex layout window (window) will be displayed. This is the jquery-easyui framework, simple and powerful.

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