jQuery wrap() Method

jQuery HTML/CSS Methods : Wrap a <div> element around each <p> element

Definition and Usage

The wrap() method wraps specified HTML element(s) around each selected element.


Parameter Description
wrappingElement Required. Specifies what HTML element(s) to wrap around each selected element

Possible values:

  • HTML elements
  • jQuery objects
  • DOM elements
function(index) Optional. Specifies a function that returns the wrapping element
  • index - Returns the index position of the element in the set

Try it Yourself - Examples

Create a new element with the DOM
How to use document.createElement() to create an element, and wrap it around each selected element.
Wrap elements using a function
Using a function to specify what to wrap around each selected element.
Wrap and unwrap an element
How to toggle between wrapping and unwrapping an element.