jQuery Remove Elements

With jQuery, it is easy to remove existing HTML elements

Remove Elements/Content

To remove elements and content, there are mainly two jQuery methods:

  • remove() - Removes the selected element (and its child elements)
  • empty() - Removes the child elements from the selected element
  • jQuery remove() Method

    The jQuery remove() method removes the selected element(s) and its child elements.



    jQuery empty() Method

    The jQuery empty() method removes the child elements of the selected element(s).



    Filter the Elements to be Removed

    The jQuery remove() method also accepts one parameter, which allows you to filter the elements to be removed.

    The parameter can be any of the jQuery selector syntaxes.

    The following example removes all <p> elements with class="test":  



    This example removes all <p> elements with class="test" and class="demo":  


    $("p").remove(".test, .demo");

    jQuery Exercises

    Test Yourself With Exercises


    Use a jQuery method to remove a <div> element.


    Start the Exercise

    jQuery HTML Reference

    For a complete overview of all jQuery HTML methods, please go to our jQuery HTML/CSS Reference.