jQuery prevUntil() Method

jQuery Traversing Methods : Return all sibling elements between two <li> elements with class name "start" and "stop"

Definition and Usage

The prevUntil() method returns all previous sibling elements between the selector and stop.

Sibling elements are elements that share the same parent.

The DOM tree: This method traverse backwards along siblings of DOM elements.
Note: If both parameters are empty, this method will return all previous sibling elements (same as the prevAll() method).

Related methods:

  • prev() -  returns the previous sibling element of the selected element
  • prevAll() -  returns all previous sibling elements of the selected element
  • Syntax

    Parameter Description
    stop Optional. A selector expression, element or jQuery object indicating where to stop the search for previous matching siblings elements
    filter Optional. Specifies a selector expression to narrow down the search for sibling elements between the selector and stop

    Note: To return multiple siblings, separate each expression with a comma.

    Try it Yourself - Examples

    Narrow down the search
    Using both parameters to filter the search for previous sibling elements between two arguments.
    Return multiple siblings
    How to return multiple sibling elements between two arguments.
    Using a DOM element instead of a selector to return sibling elements between two arguments.
    Using the DOM with both parameters
    Using a DOM element instead of a selector and both parameters to filter the previous sibling search between two arguments.