jQuery Mobile page events

jQuery Mobile page events

Events in jQuery Mobile pages dealing with are divided into four categories:

  • Page Initialization - before the page is created when the page is created, and the page after initialization
  • Page Load / Unload - when an external page loading, unloading or when first fails
  • Page Transition - page transition before and after
  • Page Change - When the page is changed, or face failure

For complete information on all events jQuery Mobile, please visit our jQuery Mobile Event Manual .

jQuery Mobile Initialization event

When jQuery Mobile in a typical page is initialized, it will go through three stages:

  • Before page creation
  • Page creation
  • Page initialization

Event triggers can be used in each stage of the operation code or insert.

event description
pagebeforecreate When the page is about to initialize, and before jQuery Mobile enhanced page has begun to trigger the event.
pagecreate When the page has been created, but before the completion of enhancements, triggered the event.
pageinit When the page is initialized, and after jQuery Mobile enhanced page has been completed, triggering the event.

The following example demonstrates the jQuery Mobile when you create a page, when to trigger each event:


$ (Document) .on ( "pagebeforecreate", function (event) {
alert ( "pagebeforecreate event trigger!");
$ (Document) .on ( "pagecreate", function (event) {
alert ( "pagecreate event trigger!");

jQuery Mobile Load event

Page load event belongs to an external page.

Whenever an external page loading DOM, two events will be triggered. The first one is pagebeforeload, the second is pageload (success) or pageloadfailed (failure).

The following table explains these events:

event description
pagebeforeload Prior to any request for a page to load the trigger.
pageload The page was successfully loaded and inserted DOM triggered.
pageloadfailed If a page load request fails, the event is triggered. By default, "Error Loading Page" message will be displayed.

The following presentation pageload and pagloadfailed event works:


  alert("触发 pageload 事件!\nURL: " + data.url);

jQuery Mobile transition event

We can also use the event during the transition from one to the next.

Page transitions involving two pages: a "to" page and a "Go" page - these transitions make the current active page ( "to" page) to the new page ( "go to" change course page becomes more dynamic.

event description
pagebeforeshow In the "go" Page triggered before the transition animation begins.
pageshow In the "go" screen trigger, after the completion of the transition animation.
pagebeforehide In the "to" trigger page, before the transition animation begins.
pagehide In the "to" screen trigger, after the completion of the transition animation.

The following illustrates the principle of transition time:


$(document).on("pagebeforeshow","#pagetwo",function(){ //当进入页面二时
$(document).on("pageshow","#pagetwo",function(){ // 当进入页面二时
$(document).on("pagebeforehide","#pagetwo",function(){ // 当进入页面二时
$(document).on("pagehide","#pagetwo",function(){ // When leaving pagetwo