jQuery Mobile pop

Is a very popular pop dialog popups can be overlaid on the page display.

Pop-ups can be used to display a text, pictures, maps, or other content.

Create a pop, and the need to use <a> <div> element. Adding data-rel = "popup" property on <a> element, <div> element to add data-role = "popup" attribute. Then we specify id for the <div>, and then set the href value <a> <div> specified id. <Div> The content is content pop display.

Note: <div> pop and click <a> a link must be on the same page.


<A href = "# myPopup" data-rel = "popup" class = "ui-btn ui-btn-inline ui-corner-all"> Display pop </a>

<Div data-role = "popup " id = "myPopup">
<P> This is a simple pop </ p>
</ Div>

If you need to add padding to the outside and from the pop can add "ui-content" category in the <div> in:


<div data-role = "popup " id = "myPopup" class = "ui-content">

Close popup

By default, clicking pop outside area or press the "Esc" key to close the pop. If you do not want to tap the area outside of the pop Close popup can add data-dismissible = "false" attribute in the added (not recommended). You can also add the Close button on pop, using data-rel = "back" button on the property, and through the style to control the position of the button.

description Examples
Close button on the right side try it
Close button on the left try it
Using data-dismissible property try it

Positioning pop

By default, the popups will appear directly above click on the element, if you need to control the position of pop, you can use the data-position-to attribute for opening pop clicks on the link.

Control pop locations in three ways:

Property Value description
data-position-to = "window" Popups displayed in the window center
data-position-to = "# myId" Popups displayed on the known elements #id
data-position-to = "origin" default. Click on the pop display elements.


<a href="#myPopup1" data-rel="popup" class="ui-btn" data-position-to="window"> Window </a>
<a href="#myPopup2" data-rel="popup" class="ui-btn" data-position-to="#demo"> id = " demo" </a>
<a href="#myPopup3" data-rel="popup" class="ui-btn" data-position-to="origin"> Origin </a>


By default, the pop is no transition effect. If you want you can add transition effects (via data-transition = "value" attribute jQuery Mobile Transition ):

All instances of transition effects

<a href="#myPopup" data-rel="popup" class="ui-btn" data-transition="fade"> Fade </a>

Pop direction small border

If you need to add a little pop direction of the border, you can use the data-arrow property and specify the value "l" (left), "t" (top), "r" (on the right) or "b" (bottom):


<a href="#myPopup" data-rel="popup" class="ui-btn"> open pop </a>

<div data-role = "popup " id = "myPopup" class = "ui-content" data-arrow = "l">
<P> left border direction. </ P>
</ Div>

Pop dialog

You can pop produced as a standard dialog box (the head, and the contents of the bottom mark):


<a href="#myPopupDialog" data-rel="popup" class="ui-btn"> Open dialog pop </a>

<Div data-role = "popup" id = "myPopupDialog">
<Div data-role = "header"> <h1> header text /en </ h1> </ div>
<Div data-role = "main" class = "ui-content"> <p> Some text /en </ p> <a href="#"> links /en </a>
<Div data-role = "footer"> <h1> at the bottom of the text /en </ h1> </ div>
</ Div>

Image pop

You can display the image in pop:


<a href="#myPopup" data-rel="popup" data-position-to="window">
<Img src = "/ wp-content / uploads / 2015/10 / w3resource.jpeg" alt = "w3resource" style = "width: 200px;"> </a>

<Div data-role = "popup" id = "myPopup">
<Img src = "/ wp-content / uploads / 2015/10 / w3resource.jpeg" style = "width: 800px; height: 400px;" alt = "w3resource">
</ Div>

Background pop cover

You can use the data-overlay-theme properties after pop add a background color.

By default, covering the background color transparent. Using data-overlay-theme = "a" to add a light background, use data-overlay-theme = "b" add dark cover the background:


<a href="#myPopup" data-rel="popup"> Show Popup </a>

<div data-role = "popup " id = "myPopup" data-overlay-theme = "b">
<P> Behind me there is a dark background. </ P>
</ Div>

General background image popups frequently overlay:


<a href="#myPopup" data-rel="popup" data-position-to="window">
<Img src = "/ wp-content / uploads / 2015/10 / w3resource.jpeg" alt = "w3resource" style = "width: 200px;"> </a>

<div data-role = "popup " id = "myPopup" data-overlay-theme = "b">
<Img src = "/ wp-content / uploads / 2015/10 / w3resource.jpeg" style = "width: 800px; height: 400px;" alt = "w3resource">
</ Div>

Note: In the next chapter, you will learn how to use the forms in pop.