jQuery Mobile CSS class

jQuery CSS class

jQuery Mobile CSS class to style different elements.

The following list contains the general CSS styles:

Global Class

The following classes can use (buttons, toolbars, panels, tables, lists, etc.) in jQuery Mobile gadget:

Class description
ui-corner-all Adding an element fillet
ui-shadow To add a shadow element
ui-overlay-shadow Adding an element multi-layer shadow
ui-mini Let smaller elements

Button class

In addition to the global class, you can add the following class (not the <input> button) to <a> or <button> element:

Class description
ui-btn Add the <a> elements as buttons and display
ui-btn-inline Display button on the same line
ui-btn-icon-top Target icon over the button text
ui-btn-icon-right Target icon to the right of the button text
ui-btn-icon-bottom Target icon below the button text
ui-btn-icon-left Target icon to the left of the button text
ui-btn-icon-notext Show only icon
ui-btn-a | b Designation button demo. "A" is the default (black text on a gray background style), "b" to change the color of a black background with white text

Icon class

Class of all available images used in <a> and <button> element (See jQuery Mobile icon reference manual to learn how to use on other elements):

Class 图标描述 图标
ui-icon-action 动作 (一般用于页面跳转切换) action
ui-icon-alert 三角形内的感叹号 alert
ui-icon-audio 音响/音箱 audio
ui-icon-arrow-d-l 左下角箭头 arrow-d-l
ui-icon-arrow-d-r 右下角箭头 arrow-d-r
ui-icon-arrow-u-l 左上角箭头 arrow-u-l
ui-icon-arrow-u-r 右上角箭头 arrow-u-r
ui-icon-arrow-l 左角箭头 arrow-l
ui-icon-arrow-r 右角箭头 arrow-r
ui-icon-arrow-u 向上箭头 arrow-u
ui-icon-arrow-d 向下箭头 arrow-d
ui-icon-back 返回 back
ui-icon-bars 三条水平线,一般用于展示列表按钮图标 bars
ui-icon-bullets 用于展示列表按钮图标 bullets
ui-icon-calendar 日历 calendar
ui-icon-camera 相机 camera
ui-icon-carat-d 向下滑动图标 carat-d
ui-icon-carat-l 向左滑动图标 carat-l
ui-icon-carat-r 向右滑动图标 carat-r
ui-icon-carat-u 向上滑动图标 carat-u
ui-icon-check 勾选 check
ui-icon-clock 闹钟 clock
ui-icon-cloud cloud
ui-icon-comment 评论 / 消息 comment
ui-icon-delete 删除 delete
ui-icon-edit 编辑 / 铅笔 edit
ui-icon-eye 眼睛 eye
ui-icon-forbidden 禁用标识 sign forbidden
ui-icon-forward 撤销 - (返回上一步) forward
ui-icon-gear 齿轮,一般用于设置按钮图标 gear
ui-icon-grid 网格 grid
ui-icon-heart 心型,可用于文章收藏 heart
ui-icon-home 主页 home
ui-icon-info 信息 info
ui-icon-location 定位 location
ui-icon-lock lock
ui-icon-mail 邮件 / 信封 mail
ui-icon-minus 减号 minus
ui-icon-navigation 导航 navigation
ui-icon-phone 电话 phone
ui-icon-power 开关 (On/off) power
ui-icon-plus 加号 plus
ui-icon-recycle 循环 标识 recycle
ui-icon-refresh 刷新 refresh
ui-icon-search 搜索 / 放大镜 search
ui-icon-shop 商店/购物袋 shop
ui-icon-star 星号 star
ui-icon-tag 标签 tag
ui-icon-user 用户 / 人物 user
ui-icon-video 视频 / 相机 camera1

Topic category Classes

jQuery Mobile theme provides two classes: a (gray) and b (black). However, you can create your own custom classes - to define the letter "z" (See jQuery Mobile themes ). The following table lists the available themes class. Letters (az) means you can specify a style to z. For example ui-bar-a or ui-bar-b and the like.

Class description
ui-bar- (az) Specify the column Demo - header, footer and other sections
ui-body- (az) Specifies the color of pieces of content - content section page (version 1.4.0 obsolete), list view, pop, sidebar, panel, load, collapsed.
ui-btn- (az) Specify a button color
ui-group-theme- (az) It defines a control group presentation listviews and collapsible collection.
ui-overlay- (az) Defines the page background colors, including dialog boxes, pop-ups and other top-level pages appear in the container
ui-page-theme- (az) Define page Demo

Grid class

Grid columns are of equal width (total 100%), no border, background, margin or padding. There are four layout grid are available:

Grid class Row Column Width correspond Examples
ui-grid-solo 1 100% ui-block-a try it
ui-grid-a 2 50% / 50% ui-block-a | b try it
ui-grid-b 3 33% / 33% / 33% ui-block-a | b | c try it
ui-grid-c 4 25% / 25% / 25% / 25% ui-block-a | b | c | d try it
ui-grid-d 5 20% / 20% / 20% / 20% / 20% ui-block-a | b | c | d | e try it

Further information is available jQuery Mobile Grid section.