JavaScript Iterables

Iterables are iterable objects (like Arrays)

The For Of Loop

The JavaScript for..of statement loops through the elements of an iterable object.


for (variable of iterable) {
  // code block to be executed


Iterating is easy to understand.

It simply means looping over a sequence of elements.

Here are some easy examples:

  • Iterating over a String
  • Iterating over an Array
  • Iterating Over a String

    You can use a for..of loop to iterate over the elements of a string:


    const name = "w3resource";

    for (const x of name) {
      // code block to be executed

    Iterating Over an Array

    You can use a for..of loop to iterate over the elements of an Array:


    const letters = ["a","b","c"];

    for (const x of letters) {
      // code block to be executed

    You can learn more details about Iterables in the chapter JS Object Iterables.

    Iterating Over a Set

    You can use a for..of loop to iterate over the elements of a Set:


    const letters = new Set(["a","b","c"]);

    for (const x of letters) {
      // code block to be executed

    Sets and Maps are covered in the next chapters.

    Iterating Over a Map

    You can use a for..of loop to iterate over the elements of a Map:


    const fruits = new Map([
      ["apples", 500],
      ["bananas", 300],
      ["oranges", 200]

    for (const x of fruits) {
      // code block to be executed