The TouchEvent

DOM Events❮ Event Objects : Events that occur when user touches a touch-based device, belongs to the TouchEvent Object."

The TouchEvent Object

Events that occur when user touches a touch-based device, belongs to the TouchEvent Object.

TouchEvent Properties and Methods

Property/Method Description
altKey Returns whether the "ALT" key was pressed when the touch event was triggered
changedTouches Returns a list of all the touch objects whose state changed between the previous touch and this touch
ctrlKey Returns whether the "CTRL" key was pressed when the touch event was triggered
metaKey Returns whether the "meta" key was pressed when the touch event was triggered
shiftKey Returns whether the "SHIFT" key was pressed when the touch event was triggered
targetTouches Returns a list of all the touch objects that are in contact with the surface and where the touchstart event occured on the same target element as the current target element
touches Returns a list of all the touch objects that are currently in contact with the surface

Inherited Properties and Methods

The TouchEvent inherits all the properties and methods from:

Event Types

These event types belongs to the TouchEvent Object:

Event Description
ontouchcancel The event occurs when the touch is interrupted
ontouchend The event occurs when a finger is removed from a touch screen
ontouchmove The event occurs when a finger is dragged across the screen
ontouchstart The event occurs when a finger is placed on a touch screen