HTML DOM Input Email placeholder Property

Input Email Object : Change the placeholder text of an email field

Definition and Usage

The placeholder property sets or returns the value of the placeholder attribute of an email field.

The placeholder attribute specifies a short hint that describes the expected value of an email field (e.g. a sample value or a short description of the expected format).

The short hint is displayed in the text field before the user enters a value.

Browser Support

placeholder Yes 10.0 Yes Yes Yes


Return the placeholder property:


Set the placeholder property:

emailObject.placeholder = text

Property Values

Value Description
text Specifies a short hint (one word or a short phrase) that describes the expected value of the email field

Technical Details

Return Value: A String, representing a short hint that describes the expected value of the email field

More Examples


Get the placeholder text of an email field:

var x = document.getElementById("myEmail").placeholder;

Related Pages

HTML reference: HTML <input> placeholder attribute

❮ Input Email Object