HTML DOM ins cite Property

ins Object : Return the URL to a document that explains why some text was inserted

Definition and Usage

The cite property sets or returns the value of the cite attribute of an inserted text.

The cite attribute specifies a URL to a document that explains the reason why the text was inserted/changed.

Note: The cite attribute has no visual effect in ordinary web browsers, but can be used by screen readers.

Browser Support

cite Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


Return the cite property:


Set the cite property:

insObject.cite = URL

Property Values

Value Description
URL Specifies the source URL to the document that explains why the text was inserted/changed.

Possible values:
  • An absolute URL - Points to another web site (like cite="")
  • A relative URL - Points to a page within a web site (like cite="example.html")

Technical Details

Return Value: A String, representing the URL of the source document

More Examples


Change the value of the cite attribute:

document.getElementById("myIns").cite = "";

Related Pages

HTML reference: HTML <ins> cite attribute

❮ ins Object