MongoDB Profile

What is MongoDB?

MongoDB is a C ++ language, is based on a distributed file storage system open source database.

In the case of high load, add more nodes, you can ensure server performance.

MongoDB is designed to provide scalable, high-performance data storage solutions WEB applications.

MongoDB stores data as a document data structure by a key (key => value) pairs. MongoDB document similar to the JSON object. Field value can contain other documents, arrays and array of documents.

main feature

  • MongoDB provides a document-oriented storage, the operation is relatively simple and easy.
  • You can set any properties in MongoDB record index (such as: FirstName = "Sameer", Address = "8 Gandhi Road") to enable faster sorting.
  • You can create a local or network data mirroring, which makes MongoDB there is more scalable.
  • If the load increases (the need for more storage space and more processing power), it can be distributed in a computer network on a different node This is called fragmentation.
  • Mongo supports a rich query expressions. Discover instruction uses JSON form tag can easily query document embedded objects and arrays.
  • MongoDb using the update () command can replace the completed document (data) or some specified data fields.
  • Mongodb in Map / reduce is primarily used for batch processing and data aggregation operations.
  • Map and Reduce. Map function call emit (key, value) loop through the collection of all the records, and the key value passed to Reduce function for processing.
  • Map and Reduce functions are functions written using Javascript, and MapReduce operation may be performed by db.runCommand or mapreduce command.
  • GridFS MongoDB is a built-in function, can be used to store a large number of small files.
  • MongoDB allows the implementation of server-side scripting, you can use Javascript to write a function, executed directly on the server, you can put the function definitions are stored in the server, the next can be called directly.
  • MongoDB supports a variety of programming languages: RUBY, PYTHON, JAVA, C ++, PHP, C # and other languages.
  • MongoDB easy to install.

history In October 2007, MongoDB by the 10gen team development. First introduced in February 2009.
  • May 23, 2012, MongoDB2.1 development branch released! This version uses a new architecture, it contains many enhancements.
  • June 6, 2012, MongoDB 2.0.6 release, distributed document database.
  • April 23, 2013, MongoDB 2.4.3 release, this version includes a number of performance optimizations, enhancements and bug fixes.
  • August 20, 2013, MongoDB 2.4.6 release is the latest stable version.

MongoDB Download

You can download the installation package in mongodb official website address is: . MonggoDB supports the following platforms:

  • OS X 32-bit
  • OS X 64-bit
  • Linux 32-bit
  • Linux 64-bit
  • Windows 32-bit
  • Windows 64-bit
  • Solaris i86pc
  • Solaris 64

MongoDB tools

There are several available for MongoDB management tool.


MongoDB provides network and system monitoring tool Munin, as a plug-in used in MongoDB.

Gangila MongoDB is a high-performance system monitoring tool, which is applied as a plug-in MongoDB.

GUI-based open source tools Cacti, for viewing CPU load, network bandwidth utilization, it also provides a plug-in used in monitoring MongoDB.


  • Fang of Mongo - a web-based, constituted by the Django and jQuery.
  • Futon4Mongo - a CouchDB Futon web of mongodb derivative.
  • Mongo3 - Ruby language.
  • MongoHub - suitable for OSX applications.
  • Opricot - a browser-based console MongoDB by PHP written together.
  • Database Master - Windows management tools of mongodb
  • RockMongo - The best PHP language MongoDB management tools, lightweight, multi-language support.

MongoDB Applications

Here are some of the practical application of the company MongoDB:

  • Archive billions of records on Craiglist use of MongoDB.
  • FourSquare, location-based social networking sites to share data using MongoDB on Amazon EC2 servers.
  • Shutterfly, an Internet-based social and personal publishing service, use MongoDB variety of persistent data storage requirements.
  •, a Web-based URL shortening service using MongoDB store their own data.
  •, a joint venture company of MTV Networks, use of MongoDB.
  • Intuit Inc., a small business and personal software and service providers, using MongoDB tracking user data for small businesses.
  •, resource website to find, create and publish open source software is free to use MongoDB backend storage.
  •, a buy and sell handmade goods sites that use MongoDB.
  • The New York Times, one of the leading online news portal, using MongoDB.
  • CERN, the famous Institute of Particle Physics, CERN Large Hadron Collider data use MongoDB.