PHP ftp_nb_fget() Function

PHP FTP Reference : Download a file from the FTP server, and save it to an open local file (non-blocking)

Definition and Usage

The ftp_nb_fget() function gets (downloads) a file from the FTP server, and saves it into an open local file (non-blocking).

Tip: This function (as opposite to ftp_fget()) retrieves the file asynchronously, so you can perform other operations while the file is being downloaded.  


ftp_nb_fget(ftp_conn, open_file, server_file, mode, startpos);

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
ftp_conn Required. Specifies the FTP connection to use
open_file Required. Specifies an open local file in which we store the data
server_file Required. Specifies the server file to download
mode Optional. Specifies the transfer mode. Possible values: FTP_ASCII or FTP_BINARY
startpos Optional. Specifies the position in the remote file to start downloading from

Technical Details

Return Value: One of the following values:
  • FTP_FAILED (send/receive failed)
  • FTP_FINISHED (send/receive completed)
  • FTP_MOREDATA (send/receive in progress)
PHP Version: 4.3+
PHP Changelog: PHP 7.3 - The mode parameter was made optional.

❮ PHP FTP Reference