PHP similar_text() Function

PHP String Reference : Calculate the similarity between two strings and return the matching characters

Definition and Usage

The similar_text() function calculates the similarity between two strings.

It can also calculate the similarity of the two strings in percent.

Note: The levenshtein() function is faster than the similar_text() function. However, the similar_text() function will give you a more accurate result with less modifications needed.



Parameter Values

Parameter Description
string1 Required. Specifies the first string to be compared
string2 Required. Specifies the second string to be compared
percent Optional. Specifies a variable name for storing the similarity in percent

Technical Details

Return Value: Returns the number of matching characters of two strings
PHP Version: 4+

More Examples


Calculate the similarity between two strings in percent:

similar_text("Hello World","Hello Peter",$percent);
echo $percent;

❮ PHP String Reference