PHP xml_parser_get_option() Function

PHP XML Parser Reference : Get options from an XML parser

Definition and Usage

The xml_parser_get_option() function gets options from an XML parser.


xml_parser_get_option(parser, option)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
parser Required. Specifies the XML parser to use
option Required. Specifies the option to get. Possible values:
  • XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING - Specifies if case-folding is enabled. Can be 1 (TRUE) or 0 (FALSE). 1 is default
  • XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING - Specifies the target encoding in this XML parser. Set to the same as the xml_parser_create() function by default (ISO-8859-1, US-ASCII or UTF-8)
  • XML_OPTION_SKIP_TAGSTART - Specifies how many characters that is skipped in the beginning of a tag name
  • XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE - Specifies whether values consisting of whitespace characters are skipped. Can be 1 (TRUE) or 0 (FALSE)

Technical Details

Return Value: The option's value on success. FALSE and an error on failure
PHP Version: 4.0+
PHP Changelog: PHP 7.1: Added XML_OPTION_SKIP_TAGSTART and XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE to the option parameter

❮ PHP XML Parser Reference