PHP callable Keyword

PHP Keywords : Use callable to require a callback function as an argument

Definition and Usage

The callable keyword is used to force a function argument to be a reference to a function.

A callable can be one of the following:

  • An anonymous function
  • A string containing the name of a function
  • An array describing a static class method
  • An array describing an object method
  • More Examples


    Using different types of callables:

    function printFormatted(callable $format, $str) {
      echo $format($str);
      echo "<br>";

    class MyClass {
      public static function ask($str) {
        return $str . "?";
      public function brackets($str) {
        return "[$str]";

    // An anonymous function
    $func = function($str) { return substr($str, 0, 5); };
    printFormatted($func , "Hello World");

    // A string containing the name of a function
    printFormatted("strtoupper", "Hello World");

    // An array describing a static class method
    printFormatted(["MyClass", "ask"], "Hello World");

    // An array describing an object method
    $obj = new MyClass();
    printFormatted([$obj, "brackets"], "Hello World");

    ❮ PHP Keywords