Redis HyperLogLog

In Redis 2.8.9 release adds HyperLogLog structure.

Redis HyperLogLog base is used to make statistical algorithms HyperLogLog advantage is that the number of elements in the input or volume is very very large, the space needed for the basis of calculation is always fixed, and is very small.

In Redis inside each key HyperLogLog only takes 12 KB of memory, you can calculate the closest base 2 ^ 64 different elements. This is when the calculation base, the more memory-intensive elements of a collection of the more stark contrast.

However, because HyperLogLog only based on the input element calculation base, but does not store the input element itself, so that the collection HyperLogLog not like to return to the respective input elements.

What is the base?

For example, the data set {1, 3, 5, 7, 5, 7, 8}, then the cardinality of the set of data set is {1, 3, 5, 7, 8}, base (not repeating elements) 5. Cardinality estimation error is within an acceptable range, fast calculation base.


The following example demonstrates the work process HyperLogLog:

redis> PFADD w3resourcekey "redis"

1) (integer) 1

redis> PFADD w3resourcekey "mongodb"

1) (integer) 1

redis> PFADD w3resourcekey "mysql"

1) (integer) 1

redis> PFCOUNT w3resourcekey

(integer) 3

Redis HyperLogLog command

The following table lists the basic commands redis HyperLogLog:

No. Command and description
1 PFADD key element [element /en.]
Adds the specified element to HyperLogLog in.
2 PFCOUNT key [key /en.]
Returns given HyperLogLog cardinality estimates.
3 PFMERGE destkey sourcekey [sourcekey /en.]
Multiple HyperLogLog into one HyperLogLog