Introduction to XML Schemas

XML Schema is an XML-based DTD replacement.

XML Schema can describe the structure of XML documents.

XML Schema language is also available as XSD (XML Schema Definition) to refer to.

You should have basic knowledge

Before you continue, you need to have a basic knowledge of the following understanding:

  • XML and XML namespaces
  • Basic understanding of the DTD

If you want to study these subjects first, on the home page to access these tutorials.

What is XML Schema?

The role of XML Schema is to define the legal building blocks of an XML document, similar to the DTD.

XML Schema:

  • Element definition can appear in a document
  • Defined attributes can appear in the document
  • Defines which element is a child
  • Defined order of child elements
  • Defines the number of child elements
  • Defines whether the element is empty, or whether they may contain a text
  • Data type definitions of elements and attributes
  • Defining the elements and the default value of the property as well as a fixed value

XML Schema is a DTD successor

We believe that XML Schema will soon replace the DTD in most network applications.

For the following reasons:

  • XML Schema can be extended for future needs
  • XML Schema better and more powerful
  • XML Schema-based XML authoring
  • XML Schema datatypes support
  • XML Schema namespace support

XML Schema is a W3C standard

XML Schema in May 2, 2001 became a W3C standard.

You can us " the W3C tutorial for more information about the XML Schema standard" in.