TypeScript Type Aliases and Interfaces

TypeScript allows types to be defined separately from the variables that use them

Type Aliases

Type Aliases allow defining types with a custom name (an Alias).

Type Aliases can be used for primitives like string or more complex types such as objects and arrays:


type CarYear = number
type CarType = string
type CarModel = string
type Car = {
  year: CarYear,
  type: CarType,
  model: CarModel

const carYear: CarYear = 2001
const carType: CarType = "Toyota"
const carModel: CarModel = "Corolla"
const car: Car = {
  year: carYear,
  type: carType,
  model: carModel


Interfaces are similar to type aliases, except they only apply to object types.


interface Rectangle {
  height: number,
  width: number

const rectangle: Rectangle = {
  height: 20,
  width: 10

Extending Interfaces

Interfaces can extend each other's definition.

Extending an interface means you are creating a new interface with the same properties as the original, plus something new.


interface Rectangle {
  height: number,
  width: number

interface ColoredRectangle extends Rectangle {
  color: string

const coloredRectangle: ColoredRectangle = {
  height: 20,
  width: 10,
  color: "red"

TypeScript Exercises

Test Yourself With Exercises


Create a Type Alias for a string, called carType:

 carType = 

Start the Exercise