W3C DOM Events

Document Object Model (DOM: Document Object Model) is a platform, a neutral language application programming interface (API), allows programs to access and change the content, structure and style of documents.

DOM Tutorials

To learn more about the knowledge of DOM, read our HTML DOM tutorial and XML DOM tutorial .

DOM Level 0

DOM Level 0 is not a W3C specification. But merely a definition of the Netscape Navigator 3.0 and Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 in equivalent functionality.

DOM key role in the development process there: ArborText, IBM, Inso EPS, JavaSoft, Microsoft, Netscape, Novell, the Object Management Group, SoftQuad, Sun Microsystems and Texcel.

W3C's DOM Level 1 on the establishment of this functionality.

DOM Level 1

DOM Level 1 focuses on HTML and XML document models. It contains navigation and document processing functions.

DOM Level 1 to October 1, 1998 to become a W3C Recommendation.

The second edition of the draft in 2000, September 29.

DOM Level 2

DOM to the DOM Level 1 Level 2 adds a style sheet object model, and defines the operations on the document attached to the style information functionality.

DOM Level 2 also defines an event model and provides support for XML namespaces.

As a W3C Recommendation, DOM Level 2 specification was released on November 13, 2000:

DOM Level 2 Core

DOM Level 2 Core specifies an API to access and change document content and structure of this API contains interfaces for XML.

DOM Level 2 HTML

DOM Level 2 HTML provides the structure and operation of the HTML document content API. (This part of the specification is still working draft)

DOM Level 2 Views

DOM Level 2 provides API access and view the document changes. View is a manifestation of the original document with the associated or some alternate form of expression.

DOM Level 2 Style

DOM Level 2 Style provides dynamic access and change the contents of the style sheet API.

DOM Level 2 Events

DOM Level 2 Events specifies access document events API.

DOM Level 2 Traversal-Range

DOM Level 2 Traversal-Range specifies the range of content in a dynamic traverse and identify documents API.

DOM Level 3

DOM Level 3 specifies content models (DTD and Schemas) and document validation. Also provides document loading and saving, document viewing, document formatting, and key events. DOM Level 3 to 2 on the establishment of DOM Core Level.

DOM Level 3 Requirements

DOM Requirements document has been updated for the Level 3 requirements, and in 2000 April 12 release of the working draft.

DOM Level 3 Working Draft following Posted on September 1, 2000:

DOM Level 3 Core

DOM Level 3 Core specifies an API to access and change the document content, structure and style.

DOM Level 3 Events

By adding new interfaces and new event collector, DOM Level 3 Events API to Level 2 Event API functionality has been extended.

DOM Level 3 Load and Save

DOM Level 3 Content Model specifies the content for loading and saving, content models (DTD and Schemas) and document validation support API.

DOM Level 3 Views and Formatting

DOM Level 3 Views specifies the API to access and view the document changes. View is a manifestation of the original document with the associated or some alternate form of expression.

W3C DOM Specifications and Timeline

规范 草案/提议 推荐
DOM Level 1 01. Oct 1998
DOM Level 1 (2.Ed) 29. Sep 2000
DOM Level 2 Core 13. Nov 2000
DOM Level 2 HTML 09. Jan 2003
DOM Level 2 Views 13. Nov 2000
DOM Level 2 Style 13. Nov 2000
DOM Level 2 Events 13. Nov 2000
DOM Level 2 Traversal-Range 13. Nov 2000
DOM Level 3 Requirements 26. Feb 2004
DOM Level 3 Core 07. Apr 2004
DOM Level 3 Events 31. May 2011
DOM Level 3 Load and Save 07. Apr 2004
DOM Level 3 Validation 27. Jan 2004
DOM Level 3 XPath 26. Feb 2004
DOM Level 3 Views 26. Feb 2004

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