W3.CSS Animations

W3.CSS provides the following classes for animations

W3.CSS Animation Classes

W3.CSS provides the following classes for animations:

Class Defines
w3-animate-top Slides in an element from the top (-300px to 0)
w3-animate-bottom Slides in an element from the bottom (-300px to 0)
w3-animate-left Slides in an element from the left (-300px to 0)
w3-animate-right Slides in an element from the right (-300px to 0)
w3-animate-opacity Animates an element's opacity from 0 to 1 in 0.8 seconds
w3-animate-zoom Animates an element from 0 to 100% in size
w3-animate-fading Animates an element's opacity from 0 to 1 and 1 to 0 (fades in + fade out)
w3-spin Spins an element 360 degrees

Animate Top

The w3-animate-top class slides in an element from the top (from -300px to 0):


<div class="w3-container">
  <h1 class="w3-center w3-animate-top">Animation is Fun!</h1>

Animate Bottom

The w3-animate-bottom class slides in an element from the bottom (from -300px to 0):


<div class="w3-container">
  <h1 class="w3-center w3-animate-bottom">Animation is Fun!</h1>

Animate Left

The w3-animate-left class slides in an element from left (-300px to 0):


<div class="w3-container">
  <h1 class="w3-center w3-animate-left">Animation is Fun!</h1>

Animate Right

The w3-animate-right class slides in an element from the right (-300px to 0):


<div class="w3-container">
  <h1 class="w3-center w3-animate-right">Animation is Fun!</h1>

Fade in Elements

The w3-animate-opacity class animates an element's opacity from 0 to 1 in 0.8 seconds.

Fade in an element with the w3-animate-opacity class:


<div class="w3-animate-opacity">..</div>

Zoom in Elements

The w3-animate-zoom class animates an element from 0 to 100% in size.

Zoom in an element with the w3-animate-zoom class:


<div class="w3-animate-zoom">..</div>

Spin Elements

The w3-spin class spins an element 360 degrees:


<div class="w3-spin">..</div>

Fading Infinite

The w3-animate-fading class fades in and out an element every 10 seconds (continuously):

Animate Fade In and Out


<div class="w3-animate-fading">..</div>

Fade All


<img class="w3-animate-top" src="img_01.jpg">
<img class="w3-animate-zoom" src="img_02.jpg">
<img class="w3-animate-left" src="img_03.jpg">
<img class="w3-animate-bottom" src="img_04.jpg">

startAnim("Normal") function startAnim(animName) { var i; var x = document.getElementsByClassName("animTest"); for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].style.display = "none"; } document.getElementById(animName).style.display = "block"; }