W3.CSS Color Generator

With this color generator you can create your own private themes

Private Themes

With W3.CSS, it is easy to customize an application with a private color theme.

You can link to a private theme in a <link> tag, or you can put the private theme in a <style> tag:



.w3-theme {color:#fff !important;background-color:#3f51b5 !important}
.w3-theme-light {color:#000 !important;background-color:#e8eaf6 !important}
.w3-theme-dark {color:#fff !important;background-color:#1a237e !important}

.w3-theme-l5 {color:#000 !important;background-color:#e8eaf6 !important}
.w3-theme-l4 {color:#000 !important;background-color:#c5cae9 !important}
.w3-theme-l3 {color:#000 !important;background-color:#9fa8da !important}
.w3-theme-l2 {color:#fff !important;background-color:#7986cb !important}
.w3-theme-l1 {color:#fff !important;background-color:#5c6bc0 !important}
.w3-theme-d1 {color:#fff !important;background-color:#3949ab !important}
.w3-theme-d2 {color:#fff !important;background-color:#303f9f !important}
.w3-theme-d3 {color:#fff !important;background-color:#283593 !important}
.w3-theme-d4 {color:#fff !important;background-color:#1a237e !important}

.w3-theme-action {color:#fff !important;background-color:#311b92 !important}
.w3-text-theme {color:#1a237e !important}


Try It Yourself »

createTheme(-1) function huePlus(amount) { var x,y; x = document.getElementById("color").value; y = w3color(x).toHsl(); y.h = y.h + amount; if (y.h < 0) {y.h = 355;} document.getElementById("color").value = w3color("hsl(" + y.h + "," + y.s + "," + y.l + ")").toHexString(); createTheme(-1); } function saturationPlus(amount) { var x,y; x = document.getElementById("color").value; y = w3color(x).toHsl(); y.s = y.s + amount; if (y.s > 0.98) {y.s = 100;} if (y.s < 0.02) {y.s = 0.01;} document.getElementById("color").value = w3color("hsl(" + y.h + "," + y.s + "," + y.l + ")").toHexString(); createTheme(-1); } function createSuggestion() { document.getElementById("color").value = document.getElementById("select01").value; createTheme(-1); } function createTheme(inVar) { var theme1 = new Object; var i,c,h,s,l,b,v; var x, y, z, txt, sat, light, hex, col, ele; var y = document.getElementById("color").value; x = w3color(y).toHsl(); document.getElementById("hue").value = x.h.toFixed(0); document.getElementById("saturation").value = x.s.toFixed(2); document.getElementById("color").value = w3color(y).toHexString(); x = w3color(y).toHsl(); sat = x.s; light = x.l; x.l= light + ((1.0-light)/5) * 4.7 hex = w3color("hsl(" + x.h + "," + sat + "," + x.l + ")").toHexString(); z = document.getElementById("t1l5"); z.style.backgroundColor = hex; z.innerHTML = hex + " w3-theme-l5"; theme1.l5 = hex; col = "#000"; if (w3color(hex).isDark(165)) {col = "#fff"}; z.style.color = col; theme1.tl5 = col; x.l= light + ((1.0-light)/5) * 4 hex = w3color("hsl(" + x.h + "," + sat + "," + x.l + ")").toHexString(); z = document.getElementById("t1l4"); z.style.backgroundColor = hex; z.innerHTML = hex + " w3-theme-l4"; theme1.l4 = hex; col = "#000"; if (w3color(hex).isDark(165)) {col = "#fff"}; z.style.color = col; theme1.tl4 = col; x.l= light + ((1.0-light)/5) * 3 hex = w3color("hsl(" + x.h + "," + sat + "," + x.l + ")").toHexString(); z = document.getElementById("t1l3"); z.style.backgroundColor = hex; z.innerHTML = hex + " w3-theme-l3"; theme1.l3 = hex; col = "#000"; if (w3color(hex).isDark(165)) {col = "#fff"}; z.style.color = col; theme1.tl3 = col; x.l= light + ((1.0-light)/5) * 2 hex = w3color("hsl(" + x.h + "," + sat + "," + x.l + ")").toHexString(); z = document.getElementById("t1l2"); z.style.backgroundColor = hex; z.innerHTML = hex + " w3-theme-l2"; theme1.l2 = hex; col = "#000"; if (w3color(hex).isDark(165)) {col = "#fff"}; z.style.color = col; theme1.tl2 = col; x.l= light + ((1.0-light)/5) * 1 hex = w3color("hsl(" + x.h + "," + sat + "," + x.l + ")").toHexString(); z = document.getElementById("t1l1"); z.style.backgroundColor = hex; z.innerHTML = hex + " w3-theme-l1"; theme1.l1 = hex; col = "#000"; if (w3color(hex).isDark(165)) {col = "#fff"}; z.style.color = col; theme1.tl1 = col; x.l= light hex = w3color(y).toHexString(); z = document.getElementById("t1d0"); z.style.backgroundColor = hex; z.innerHTML = hex + " w3-theme"; theme1.d0 = hex; col = "#000"; if (w3color(hex).isDark(165)) {col = "#fff"}; z.style.color = col; theme1.td0 = col; x.l= light - ((light)/5) * 0.5 hex = w3color("hsl(" + x.h + "," + x.s + "," + x.l + ")").toHexString(); z = document.getElementById("t1d1"); z.style.backgroundColor = hex; z.innerHTML = hex + " w3-theme-d1"; theme1.d1 = hex; col = "#000"; if (w3color(hex).isDark(165)) {col = "#fff"}; z.style.color = col; theme1.td1 = col; x.l= light - ((light)/5) * 1 hex = w3color("hsl(" + x.h + "," + x.s + "," + x.l + ")").toHexString(); z = document.getElementById("t1d2"); z.style.backgroundColor = hex; z.innerHTML = hex + " w3-theme-d2"; theme1.d2 = hex; col = "#000"; if (w3color(hex).isDark(165)) {col = "#fff"}; z.style.color = col; theme1.td2 = col; x.l= light - ((light)/5) * 1.5 hex = w3color("hsl(" + x.h + "," + x.s + "," + x.l + ")").toHexString(); z = document.getElementById("t1d3"); z.style.backgroundColor = hex; z.innerHTML = hex + " w3-theme-d3"; theme1.d3 = hex; col = "#000"; if (w3color(hex).isDark(165)) {col = "#fff"}; z.style.color = col; theme1.td3 = col; x.l= light - ((light)/5) * 2; hex = w3color("hsl(" + x.h + "," + x.s + "," + x.l + ")").toHexString(); z = document.getElementById("t1d4"); z.style.backgroundColor = hex; z.innerHTML = hex + " w3-theme-d4"; theme1.d4 = hex; col = "#000"; if (w3color(hex).isDark(165)) {col = "#fff"}; z.style.color = col; theme1.td4 = col; x.l= light - ((light)/5) * 2.5; hex = w3color("hsl(" + x.h + "," + x.s + "," + x.l + ")").toHexString(); z = document.getElementById("t1d5"); z.style.backgroundColor = hex; z.innerHTML = hex + " w3-theme-d5"; theme1.d5 = hex; col = "#"; if (w3color(hex).isDark(165)) {col = "#fff"}; z.style.color = col; theme1.td5 = col; txt = ".w3-theme-l5 {color:" + theme1.tl5 + " !important; background-color:" + theme1.l5 +" !important}
"; txt += ".w3-theme-l4 {color:" + theme1.tl4 + " !important; background-color:" + theme1.l4 +" !important}
"; txt += ".w3-theme-l3 {color:" + theme1.tl3 + " !important; background-color:" + theme1.l3 +" !important}
"; txt += ".w3-theme-l2 {color:" + theme1.tl2 + " !important; background-color:" + theme1.l2 +" !important}
"; txt += ".w3-theme-l1 {color:" + theme1.tl1 + " !important; background-color:" + theme1.l1 +" !important}
"; txt += ".w3-theme-d1 {color:" + theme1.td1 + " !important; background-color:" + theme1.d1 +" !important}
"; txt += ".w3-theme-d2 {color:" + theme1.td2 + " !important; background-color:" + theme1.d2 +" !important}
"; txt += ".w3-theme-d3 {color:" + theme1.td3 + " !important; background-color:" + theme1.d3 +" !important}
"; txt += ".w3-theme-d4 {color:" + theme1.td4 + " !important; background-color:" + theme1.d4 +" !important}
"; txt += ".w3-theme-d5 {color:" + theme1.td5 + " !important; background-color:" + theme1.d5 +" !important}

"; txt += ".w3-theme-light {color:" + theme1.tl5 + " !important; background-color:" + theme1.l5 +" !important}
"; txt += ".w3-theme-dark {color:" + theme1.td5 + " !important; background-color:" + theme1.d5 +" !important}
"; txt += ".w3-theme-action {color:" + theme1.td5 + " !important; background-color:" + theme1.d5 +" !important}

"; txt += ".w3-theme {color:" + theme1.td0 + " !important; background-color:" + theme1.d0 +" !important}
"; txt += ".w3-text-theme {color:" + theme1.d0 + " !important}
"; txt += ".w3-border-theme {border-color:" + theme1.d0 + " !important}

"; txt += ".w3-hover-theme:hover {color:" + theme1.td0 + " !important; background-color:" + theme1.d0 +" !important}
"; txt += ".w3-hover-text-theme:hover {color:" + theme1.d0 + " !important}
"; txt += ".w3-hover-border-theme:hover {border-color:" + theme1.d0 + " !important}
"; document.getElementById("css1").innerHTML = txt; ele = document.getElementById("mt1-top") ele.style.background = theme1.d3; ele.style.color = theme1.td3; ele = document.getElementById("mt1-header") ele.style.background = theme1.d0; ele.style.color = theme1.td0; ele = document.getElementById("mt1-footer") ele.style.background = theme1.d0; ele.style.color = theme1.td0; ele = document.getElementById("mt1-bottom") ele.style.background = theme1.d5; ele.style.color = theme1.td5; ele = document.getElementById("mt1-action") ele.style.background = theme1.d5; ele.style.color = theme1.td5; ele = document.getElementById("mt1-graphic") ele.style.color = theme1.d0; ele = document.getElementById("mt1-back") ele.style.background = theme1.l5; ele = document.getElementById("mt1-h1") ele.style.color = theme1.d0 ele = document.getElementById("mt1-h2") ele.style.color = theme1.d0 ele = document.getElementById("mt1-h3") ele.style.color = theme1.d0 displayDemo(theme1); } function displayDemo(theme) { document.getElementById("demo-h1").style.backgroundColor = theme.d2; document.getElementById("demo-h1").style.color = theme.td2; document.getElementById("demo-input").style.backgroundColor = theme.d1; document.getElementById("demo-h2").style.backgroundColor = theme.d0; document.getElementById("demo-h2").style.color = theme.td0; document.getElementById("demo-footer").style.backgroundColor = theme.d2; document.getElementById("demo-footer").style.color = theme.td2; }