W3.CSS Lists

The w3-ul class is used to display a basic list

Basic List

The w3-ul class is used to display a basic list:

  • Jill
  • Eve
  • Adam
  • Example

    <ul class="w3-ul">

    Bordered List

    The w3-border class adds a border around the list:

  • Jill
  • Eve
  • Adam
  • Example

    <ul class="w3-ul w3-border">

    List Header

    An example of how to add a heading element inside the list item:

  • Names

  • Jill
  • Eve
  • Adam
  • Example

    <ul class="w3-ul w3-border">

    List as a Card

    The w3-card-number classes can be used to show a list as a card:

  • Jill
  • Eve
  • Adam
  • Example

    <ul class="w3-ul w3-card-4" style="width:50%">

    Centered List

    The w3-center class can be used to center the list items in a list:

  • Jill
  • Eve
  • Adam
  • Example

    <ul class="w3-ul w3-center">

    Colored List

    The w3-color classes can be used to add a color to the list:

  • Jill
  • Eve
  • Adam
  • Example

    <ul class="w3-ul w3-red">

    Colored List Item

    The w3-color classes can be used to add a color to the list item:

  • Jill
  • Eve
  • Adam
  • Example

    <ul class="w3-ul">
      <li class="w3-blue">Jill</li>

    Hoverable List

    The w3-hoverable class adds a grey background color to each list item on mouse-over:

  • Jill
  • Eve
  • Adam
  • Example

    <ul class="w3-ul w3-hoverable">

    If you want a specific hover color, add any of the w3-hover-color classes to each <li> element:

  • Jill
  • Eve
  • Adam
  • Example

    <ul class="w3-ul">
      <li class="w3-hover-red">Jill</li>
      <li class="w3-hover-blue">Eve</li>
      <li class="w3-hover-green">Adam</li>

    Closable List Item

    Click on the "x" to close/hide a list item:

  • Jill ×
  • Adam ×
  • Eve ×
  • Example

    <li class="w3-display-container">Jill
      <span onclick="this.parentElement.style.display='none'"
      class="w3-button w3-display-right">&times;</span>

    Tip: The HTML &times; entity is the preferred icon for close buttons (rather than the letter "X").

    List With Padding

    The w3-padding classes can be used to add padding to list items: 

    • Jill
    • Eve
    • Adam
    • Jill
    • Eve
    • Adam


    <ul class="w3-ul">
      <li class="w3-padding-small">Jill</li>
      <li class="w3-padding-small">Eve</li>
      <li class="w3-padding-small">Adam</li>

    Avatar List

  • ×
    Web Designer
  • ×
  • ×
  • Example

    <li class="w3-bar">
      <span onclick="this.parentElement.style.display='none'"
      class="w3-bar-item w3-button w3-xlarge w3-right">&times;</span>
      <img src="img_avatar2.png" class="w3-bar-item w3-circle" style="width:85px">
      <div class="w3-bar-item">
        <span class="w3-large">Mike</span><br>
        <span>Web Designer</span>

    Tip: You will learn more about the w3-bar classes in our W3.CSS Bars and W3.CSS Navigation chapters.

    List Width

    Lists have a 100% width by default. Use the width property to change this.


    <ul class="w3-ul" style="width:30%">

    30% width:

  • Jill
  • Adam
  • 50% width:

  • Jill
  • Adam
  • 80% width:

  • Jill
  • Adam
  • Tiny List

    Use the w3-tiny class to display a tiny list: 

  • Jill
  • Eve
  • Adam
  • Example

    <ul class="w3-ul w3-tiny">

    Small List

    Use the w3-small class to display a small list:  

  • Jill
  • Eve
  • Adam
  • Example

    <ul class="w3-ul w3-small">

    Large List

    Use the w3-large class to display a large list: 

  • Jill
  • Eve
  • Adam
  • Example

    <ul class="w3-ul w3-large">

    XLarge List

    Use the w3-xlarge class to display an extra large list:  

  • Jill
  • Eve
  • Adam
  • Example

    <ul class="w3-ul w3-xlarge">

    XXLarge List

    Use the w3-xxlarge class to display an XXLarge list:  

  • Jill
  • Eve
  • Adam
  • Example

    <ul class="w3-ul w3-xxlarge">

    XXXLarge List

    Use the w3-xxxlarge class to display an XXXLarge list:  

  • Jill
  • Eve
  • Adam
  • Example

    <ul class="w3-ul w3-xxxlarge">

    Jumbo List

    Use the w3-jumbo class to display an enormous "jumbo" list:  

  • Jill
  • Eve
  • Adam
  • Example

    <ul class="w3-ul w3-jumbo">