Little Things That Can Make Employees Feel Appreciated

Let’s check out some tried and tested things that make employees feel appreciated:

1. Encouraging Microrecognition in the Workspace

All big things start with small steps. So does this appreciative work culture. Every human likes to get recognition when they put their heart and soul into a work/project. So, you can start by sending handwritten notes, posting on bulletin boards, or announcing their achievements in front of other employees. This would make the appreciated employee shine and motivate other employees to work harder.

Tips to Follow:

  • Opt for personalized notes whenever you give one to an employee or fellow worker. 
  • Make sure these little recognitions are unbiased and honest.
  • Allow every employee to participate equally – motivate those who hesitate to come in front.
  • Try to make this a part of the company culture slowly and gradually.

2. Offer Perks That are Interesting and Fun to Strive For

Every company has some perks, but it is the responsibility of a thriving company to come up with perks that no other company offers.

For example, Ankur Warikoo recently tweeted what all his company provides to the employees – interns and full-time employees. It was fascinating how this brand has come up with exciting perks that show how the company values its employees from the start.
As a CEO, boss, or manager, you can even add personalized perks to the company benefits to make the employees feel appreciated, such as a treat at a cafe/a a short vacation.

3. Provide Meaningful, Valuable Work to the Employees

It is only human to seek work that matters to us. Therefore, when assigning tasks to the team, it is essential to give out jobs that one is capable of doing. Besides, help the teams of different departments know each other’s contribution to the company. This way, everyone at the company would respect each other’s work and feel appreciated.

Furthermore, look for ways to give desired work to individuals, for example, offering a project editor position to an employee who aspires to become a chief editor.

4. Celebrate Employees’ Achievements and Birthdays Together

The ones who eat together stay together. Another way of making the employees feel appreciated and valued is by celebrating their joys with them – order food, drinks, and cakes whenever an employee touches a significant milestone in their respective career.

Besides, having so many employees in a company, you can always celebrate birthdays. However, instead of commemorating individually, you can fix a date of every month to hold a combined birthday party for the people whose birthdays fall in that month.

Tips to Follow:

  • Ask the achiever how they would like to celebrate their big win.
  • Offer personalized gifts whenever possible. 
  • Break company hierarchies during celebrations.

5. Organize Employee of the Month Event

Offer a mascot/toy/symbol that represents the spirit of the company or team to reward the winner. This can be done every month or twice every month to make the employees feel valued.

Pro Tip: You can also give them a gift card to their favorite eatery/shopping store. Besides, you can also ask them to nominate a name for the next employee of the month that will create excitement among the team.

6. Provisions for Professional Development

Humans have a thirst for knowledge, and when they see someone watering that thirst, they feel appreciated. Hence, investing in your team’s professional and personal development helps them become a better version of themselves.

You can do so by planning cross-training between departments or calling desired professionals to train the employees with a new skill set. Constant up-gradation in skill set will make for a well-trained team and make the employees feel treasured.

7. Listen to the Needs and Wants of Your Employees

The easiest way to make anyone feel appreciated is by listening to what they need and want from their job/company. Once you know the expectations of your employees, you will be able to make provisions to fulfill them as much as possible.

Expectations need not be in monetary terms only. Most people desire human touch and warmth in their work cultures. When they feel all these are met in their workplace, they feel content within.

Hence, with these seven magical tips and tricks, you can make your employees revere you and your company for the rest of their lives.

Little Things That Make Employees Feel Appreciated

Who doesn’t like to feel appreciated? Recognition and rewards in the company culture are seen as boosters of the company’s overall growth and work environment. Therefore, leaders, managers, and fellow workers must understand the value of appreciation to make the best out of each others’ potential.

When you are appreciated, a happy hormone called dopamine is released in your body that motivates you to keep going and helps you produce better results. Besides, when people feel appreciated, the entire workspace fills with positive energy and togetherness. This is why people these days are looking for the most effective ways to make their employees and fellows feel appreciated.

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