Application area of data mining

  • Future Healthcare
  • Market Basket Analysis
  • Manufacturing Engineering
  • Fraud Detection
  • Intrusion Detection
  • Customer Segmentation
  • Financial Banking

Privacy, security and social impacts of Data Mining

Data Mining is to intelligently discover useful information from large amounts of data to solve real-life problems. It is a combination of two words: data and mining. Data is a collection of instances, and mining is designed to filter useful information. Data mining, called knowledge discovery in databases (KDD), is responsible for analyzing data from different perspectives and classifying them. There are many data mining techniques used to transform raw data into useful data. It has various applications such as detecting anomalous behavior, detecting fraud and abuse, terrorist activities, and investigating crimes through lie detection. Data mining can offer many benefits by improving customer service and satisfaction, and lifestyle, in general. Data mining is present in many aspects of our daily lives, whether we realize it or not. It affects how we shop, work, what we search.

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Importance of data mining:

It helps in exploring the large increase in the database and gather only valid information by improving segmentation. It’s an efficient, cost-effective solution by uncovering the risk and fraud that makes profitable production. Sometimes customers having difficulty while purchasing helps in decision making and increases the sale. Data mining techniques can help organizations in real-time plan and save time. Also, saved money through fraud detection....

Application area of data mining:

Future Healthcare Market Basket Analysis Manufacturing Engineering Fraud Detection Intrusion Detection Customer Segmentation Financial Banking...

Data mining architecture:

Data mining architecture unveils how data extraction falls out. The architecture consists of various steps i.e Data source, data mining engine, data warehouse server, pattern evaluation, user interface, and knowledge base....