Applications of Convex Hulls

Convex hulls have a wide range of applications, including:

  • Collision detection: Convex hulls can be used to quickly determine whether two objects are colliding. This is useful in computer graphics and physics simulations.
  • Image processing: Convex hulls can be used to segment objects in images. This is useful for tasks such as object recognition and tracking.
  • Computational geometry: Convex hulls are used in a variety of computational geometry algorithms, such as finding the closest pair of points and computing the diameter of a set of points.

Convex Hull using Graham Scan


A convex hull is the smallest convex polygon that contains a given set of points. It is a useful concept in computational geometry and has applications in various fields such as computer graphics, image processing, and collision detection.

A convex polygon is a polygon in which all interior angles are less than 180 degrees. A convex hull can be constructed for any set of points, regardless of their arrangement.

Convex Hull

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