How to useCSS Styling in ReactJS

In this approach, it sets the placeholder text color to crimson using an inline <style>;. The result is a centered input field with a green title and a crimson placeholder color.

Example: This example shows the use of the above-explaned approach.


// App.js file
import React from "react";
const App = () => {
    const containerStyle = {
        display: "flex",
        flexDirection: "column",
        alignItems: "center",
        marginTop: "20px",
    const titleStyle = {
        fontSize: "24px",
        color: "green",
    const inputStyle = {
        width: "250px",
        height: "40px",
        padding: "10px",
        fontSize: "16px",
        border: "2px solid green",
        borderRadius: "15px",
        outline: "none",
    return (
        <div style={containerStyle}>
            <h2 style={titleStyle}>w3wiki</h2>
                placeholder="Enter your text here"
            {/* Styling for the placeholder color */}
                    ::placeholder {
                        color: crimson;
export default App;

Steps to run:

To open the application, use the Terminal and enter the command listed below.

npm start


How To Change Placeholder Color In ReactJS ?

In this article, we’ll explore two different approaches to changing the placeholder color in ReactJS.

To change the color of the place­holder text, the CSS ::plac­eholder pseudo-element is primarily utilized. This handy pseudo-element enables us to style the place­holder text within an input field.


::placeholder {
color: yourColorValue;

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In this approach, it sets the placeholder text color to crimson using an inline