ASCII number

ASCII is a character encoding standard used in communication systems and computers. It uses 7-bit encoding to encode 128 different characters 0-127. These values generally include numbers, letters, punctuation, and some control characters. It primarily focuses on representing English symbols.

Program to Convert Unicode to ASCII

Given a Unicode number, the task is to convert this into an ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) number.

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ASCII number

ASCII is a character encoding standard used in communication systems and computers. It uses 7-bit encoding to encode 128 different characters 0-127. These values generally include numbers, letters, punctuation, and some control characters. It primarily focuses on representing English symbols....

UNICODE number

Unicode is a character encoding well known used in conversation structures and computer systems. Unlike ASCII, which uses 7-bit encoding and encodes 128 unique characters (zero-127), Unicode makes use of variable-period encoding to symbolize a full-size variety of characters from numerous scripts and languages. Unicode can represent over 1,000,000 distinct characters, making it a comprehensive character encoding standard....