Building Mock APIs with Swagger in Python

Using Swagger, we will build a “basic Todo API“, produce a Python server stub, implement mock server logic, and execute the application. To replicate API answers, mock data for todos will be utilized. Below is the step-by-step procedure to build mock APIs with Swagger:

Step 1: Installation

In this step, we will install all the dependencies that we will require to build Mock APIs with Swagger. These are:

Install the below dependencies using pip and the following command:

pip install flask-restful
pip install flasgger

Step 2: Project Structure

Folder Structure

Step 3: Create Swagger Specification

The provided Swagger YAML file (swagger.yml) defines the API structure and is used by the Swagger instance to generate Swagger UI documentation for the API. In this code, a Swagger 2.0 specification defines a Todo API with CRUD operations. It includes endpoints for retrieving all todos, creating a new todo, and managing individual todos by ID through GET, PUT, and DELETE operations.


swagger: '2.0'
  title: Todo API
  description: Simple Todo API with CRUD operations
  version: '1.0'
      summary: Get all todos
          description: A list of todos
      summary: Create a new todo
        - name: todo
          in: body
          required: true
            type: object
                type: string
                description: The task for the new todo
                type: boolean
                description: Whether the task is completed
          description: Todo created successfully
      - name: todo_id
        in: path
        required: true
        type: integer
      summary: Get a specific todo by ID
          description: Todo details
          description: Todo not found
      summary: Update a specific todo by ID
        - name: todo
          in: body
          required: true
            type: object
                type: string
                description: The updated task
                type: boolean
                description: Whether the task is completed
          description: Todo updated successfully
          description: Todo not found
      summary: Delete a specific todo by ID
          description: Todo deleted successfully
          description: Todo not found

Step 4: Implement Mock API Server Logic

In this Python code, a Flask application is created to implement a Todo API using Flask-Restful. The endpoints for managing todos are defined with GET, PUT, DELETE, POST methods, and Swagger is integrated for API documentation using the provided Swagger YAML template.


from flask import Flask, request
from flask_restful import Api, Resource
from flasgger import Swagger
app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app)
swagger = Swagger(app, template_file='swagger.yml')
todos = []
class TodoResource(Resource):
    def get(self, todo_id):
        todo = next((t for t in todos if t['id'] == todo_id), None)
        if todo:
            return todo
            return {'message': 'Todo not found'}, 404
    def put(self, todo_id):
        todo = next((t for t in todos if t['id'] == todo_id), None)
        if todo:
            todo['task'] = request.json.get('task', todo['task'])
            todo['completed'] = request.json.get(
                'completed', todo['completed'])
            return {'message': 'Todo updated successfully'}
            return {'message': 'Todo not found'}, 404
    def delete(self, todo_id):
        global todos
        todos = [t for t in todos if t['id'] != todo_id]
        return {'message': 'Todo deleted successfully'}
class TodoListResource(Resource):
    def get(self):
        return {'todos': todos}
    def post(self):
        new_todo = {
            'id': len(todos) + 1,
            'task': request.json['task'],
            'completed': request.json.get('completed', False)
        return {'message': 'Todo created successfully'}, 201
api.add_resource(TodoListResource, '/todos')
api.add_resource(TodoResource, '/todos/<int:todo_id>')
if __name__ == '__main__':

Step By Step Explanation of this Code

Import Necessary Modules

Import necessary modules and libraries, including Flask for the web framework, request for handling HTTP requests, Api and Resource from Flask-RESTful for building REST APIs, and Swagger from flasgger for integrating Swagger UI. Initialize the Flask app, API, and Swagger.


from flask import Flask, request
from flask_restful import Api, Resource
from flasgger import Swagger
app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app)
swagger = Swagger(app, template_file='swagger.yml')
todos = []

TodoResource Class

Define a class for handling individual todos (TodoResource). Implement methods for handling GET (retrieve todo by ID), PUT (update todo by ID), and DELETE (delete todo by ID) operations. The methods use the global todos list to store todo items.


class TodoResource(Resource):
    def get(self, todo_id):
        todo = next((t for t in todos if t['id'] == todo_id), None)
        if todo:
            return todo
            return {'message': 'Todo not found'}, 404
    def put(self, todo_id):
        todo = next((t for t in todos if t['id'] == todo_id), None)
        if todo:
            todo['task'] = request.json.get('task', todo['task'])
            todo['completed'] = request.json.get(
                'completed', todo['completed'])
            return {'message': 'Todo updated successfully'}
            return {'message': 'Todo not found'}, 404
    def delete(self, todo_id):
        global todos
        todos = [t for t in todos if t['id'] != todo_id]
        return {'message': 'Todo deleted successfully'}

TodoListResource Class

Define a class for handling the list of todos (TodoListResource). Implement methods for handling GET (retrieve all todos) and POST (create a new todo) operations. The POST method adds a new todo to the todos list.


class TodoListResource(Resource):
    def get(self):
        return {'todos': todos}
    def post(self):
        new_todo = {
            'id': len(todos) + 1,
            'task': request.json['task'],
            'completed': request.json.get('completed', False)
        return {'message': 'Todo created successfully'}, 201

Resource Registration

Register the TodoListResource class to handle routes for listing and creating todos (‘/todos’) and the TodoResource class to handle routes for individual todos (‘/todos/<int:todo_id>’). Start the Flask application if the script is run directly.


api.add_resource(TodoListResource, '/todos')
api.add_resource(TodoResource, '/todos/<int:todo_id>')
if __name__ == '__main__':

Step 5: Run the Mock Server:

Execute the Python script (python To execute the script, open a terminal and navigate to the project directory then run the command:


Now, access Swagger UI at to interact with the mock API.


Video Demonstration

Building Mock APIs with Swagger

This step-by-step tutorial for constructing a mock API in Python using Swagger. In this article, we’ll step through the full process, from defining our API with Swagger to developing and testing a mock server. Whether you’re an experienced developer or just starting started, this article will show you how to construct Mock APIs with Swagger. The project entails developing basic Mock APIs with Swagger, building a mock server in Python, and testing it to replicate API behavior.

Basic Terminologies

  • Swagger: An API standard with tools for designing, creating, documenting, and consuming RESTful web services.
  • A mock API is a mimicked version of a genuine API that is used for testing and development.

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