Challenges and Controversies in Extradition

1. Political Offenses: The definition of ‘political offenses’ immune from extradition is a contentious issue. This may be arbitrary, giving rise to claims that nations reject the extradition of their opponents for political reasons.

2. Double Standards: When powerful countries demand the extradition of fugitives from other countries while opposing the extradition of their own individuals, it raises concerns.

3. Risk of Torture or Inhuman Treatment: Extraditing someone to a nation with a dismal human rights record raises serious concerns about the possibility of torture or an unjust trial.

4. Death Penalty: Nations without the death penalty could be hesitant to extradite a person to a nation where they might be put to death.

5. Legal Complexities: Because different nations have different legal systems, extradition might be difficult. It is possible that evidence obtained in one nation may not be accepted in another.

6. Lengthy Procedures: Extradition may be a drawn-out, bureaucratic procedure that fugitives can take advantage of by creating delays and openings.

7. Cost and Resources: Both the seeking and the solicited countries may find extradition to be a resource-intensive procedure.

8. Absence of Universal Standards: Application differences may arise from the lack of a common framework for extradition.

Extradition: Legal Framework, Procedures, Rights & Challenges

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