Difference Between Passive and Active Absorption

The difference between passive and active absorption is given below:


Passive Absorption

Active Absorption

Energy Requirement

Does not require energy; occurs spontaneously

Requires energy (ATP) for ion transport against concentration gradient

Type of Transport

Simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, mass flow

Carrier-mediated transport using specific proteins

Direction of Movement

Along concentration gradient

Against concentration gradient


Not actively regulated; dependent on external factors

Actively regulated by cellular processes and signals


Less selective; allows movement of ions based on concentration gradient

Highly selective; specific carrier proteins allow uptake of particular ions


Movement of water and ions through cell membrane

Uptake of scarce nutrients like potassium and iron

Mechanism of Absorption of Elements

The mechanism of absorption of elements in plants involves the absorption of mineral elements from the soil and transporting them to different plant parts. This mechanism of absorption of elements or minerals by plants includes two phases: passive absorption and active absorption

The roots actively take up these minerals through specialized cells and translocate them to other plant parts. In this article, we will study the mechanism of absorption of elements in detail.

Table of Content

  • Essential Elements and Mineral Absorption
  • Mechanism of Absorption of Elements
  • Passive Absorption of Elements
    • Mass Flow Hypothesis
    • Simple Diffusion Hypothesis
    • Facilitated Diffusion
    • Ion Exchange Hypothesis
      • Contact Exchange Theory
      • Carbonic Acid Exchange Theory
    • Donnan Equilibrium
  • Active Absorption
  • Difference Between Passive and Active Absorption
  • Factors Affecting Mechanism of Absorption of Elements

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