Drawbacks of Electronic Code Book

There are some drawbacks when using ECB:

  • ECB relies on simple substitution instead of an initialization vector and chaining. These features make ECB easy to implement. But this is also its greatest disadvantage. When two blocks of plaintext are identical, they result in two corresponding blocks of ciphertext.
  • ECB cannot be used with low block sizes (i.e., less than 40 bits) and the same encryption modes. With low block sizes, certain words and sentences in plain text may be frequently repeated in encrypted text. This means that encrypted text can contain (and expose) patterns that are derived from the same plain text. It also means that the same recurring part-blocks in plain text can appear in encrypted text. The presence of clear plain text patterns creates an opportunity for attackers to infer these patterns and execute codebook attacks.
  • The Encryption Layer is weak, but can be improved by adding random pad bits to each block. The block size (64-bit or greater) is likely to have enough unique parameters, (entropy), to prevent a codebook compromise.

Electronic Code Book (ECB) in Cryptography

Electronic Code Book (ECB) is the simplest AES block cipher mode. A block cipher takes a fixed-size block of text (b bits) and a key and outputs a block of b-bit encrypted text. If the number of plaintexts to be encrypted is greater than b bits, then the block cipher can still be used by breaking the plaintext into b-bit blocks. As multiple blocks of plaintexts are encrypted using the same key, there come several security problems. A mode of operation (or mode of operation) is a way to make a cryptographic algorithm stronger or to change the algorithm for a particular application, such as a block cipher applied to a set of blocks or a stream of data. for high-speed requirements

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