Economic Role of Biodiversity

Biodiversity has a significant economic role, providing various goods and services that contribute to human well-being and economic development:

1. Food Sources: A diverse range of plant and animal species serves as a source of food, contributing to food security and agricultural productivity.

2. Medicine: Many medicinal drugs and treatments are derived from plants, animals, and microorganisms found in biodiversity-rich areas.

3. Tourism: Ecotourism and nature-based tourism rely on biodiversity, attracting visitors to natural areas and generating revenue for local communities.

4. Ecosystem Services: Biodiversity supports various ecosystem services, such as pollination, water purification, and soil fertility, which are essential for agriculture, forestry, and other economic activities.

5. Genetic Resources: The genetic diversity found in various species provides valuable resources for developing new crops, medicines, and other products.

Economical role of Biodiversity: Class 11 Geography Notes

Biodiversity, the variety of life forms on Earth, is vital in maintaining the ecological balance, driving economic activities, and advancing scientific knowledge. Its significance spans across multiple domains, making it a crucial aspect of our planet’s well-being.

The economic role of biodiversity will be discussed in detail!

Economical role of Biodiversity: Class 11 Geography Notes

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