Example of Interaction Design

Interaction Design can be best understood by the help of an example. Let’s take an example of an atm machine, we use atm machine to get money out of it so your task while using the atm machine is to get money from the atm machine. How can you interact with the atm machine? There can be three possible ways – First is through voice command, Second is by using the keypad on the atm machine and Third would be the touchscreen. Here the most important part of UI/UX designing is to design the interaction between the user and the product. It is the job of the interaction designer to decide what would be the most optimal way of creating the interaction between the user and the product. Furthermore after deciding what would be the best way of interaction between the user and the product it is the job of the interaction designer to decide what would be the action of the user and what would be the reaction of the product, these are called at the moment interactions.

Remember, Interaction designer doesn’t have to really think about what would be the design and the overall design of the product (atm machine in this case). They do not have to think about the aesthetics, the color, the layout and the visuals of the design. What they have to design is those at the moment interaction, what would be the actions from the user and what would be the possible outcomes from the Product if any.

How Interaction Design Enhances UI/UX?

In this day and age where the designs are coming closer to the users and emotionally appealing to the users, making a design conversational is a must. This means that the design should be able to convey to the user that taking a particular action would lead to what result. Because of this user can perform their task easily. This is why Interaction Design became popular.

In this article, we will discuss What Interaction Design is. How Interaction Design Enhances UI/UX and Principles for Creating Good Interaction Design.

How Interaction Design Enhances UI/UX?

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Interaction design also known as IxD is a method or way of creating a conversation between the user and the product in such a way it is easy meaningful and interesting. It is all about designing interaction between user and products. A good design is conversational. This means that the user must be able to converse with the design in such a way that the design should be able to convey the user that taking a particular action would lead to what result....