Exponential Decay Graph

When the value of function decrease very rapidly in the beginning and the as the value of the exponent increase the decrease becomes steady, such graphs are called exponentially increasing graph.

When the value of base ‘a‘ of the graph ranges 0 < a < 1, the graph will show an exponential decrease and will have a downward curve.

Example: Radioactive Decay, Cooling of Sunstances, etc.

  • Condition of exponentially increasing graph: f(x) = ax , where (a < 1)

Example of Exponentially Increasing Graph: -2x , (0.11)x, (1/e)x etc. The graph of e-x is added below,

Exponential Graph

Exponential Graph is a curve that represents the exponential function. Exponential function graph is a graph with a horizontal asymptote that can have increasing and decreasing slope depending on the case. Graphing exponential function is very important as it represents various aspects of life such as the growth of population in a country, the spread of viruses, etc.

In this article, we will learn about, Exponential Function graphs, How to Plot Exponential Functions, Examples of Exponential Functions, and others in detail.

Table of Content

  • What is Exponential Graph?
  • Exponential Function Formula
  • Graphing Exponential Function
  • Exponential Growth Graph
  • Exponential Decay Graph
  • Difference Between Exponential Graph and Logarithmic Graph

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