
1. Give an example of a Botnet?


One of the example of Botnet is Fraud Online Review, where some fake reviews are generally posted on the device of the user.

2. Where Botnet is used?


Botnets are used in:

  • Sending Email Spams
  • Fraud Campaigning
  • DDoS Attacks

Introduction of Botnet in Computer Networks

A Network of compromised computers is called a botnet. Compromised computers are also called Zombies or Bots. This software is mostly written in C++ & C. The main motive of botnet is that it starts with the dark side of the internet which introduced a new kind of Crime called Cybercrime.

Among the malware (malicious software) botnet is the most widespread and severe threat. Several large institutions, government organizations, and almost every social networking website Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc, e-commerce website Amazon, and Flipkart, etc, in short, every firm associated with the internet became the victim of this malware. This kind of malicious software is freely available in the market for lease. It can be used in DDoS attacks (Smurf Attacks), Phishing, Extortion, etc. 


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Botnet Communication

At first, those who want to be botmaster finds the target system (here target system means finding the vulnerable system), then use popular social engineering techniques like phishing, click fraud, etc to install a small (Kbs) executable file into it. A small patch has been included in the code, making it not visible even with the running background process. A naive user won’t even come to know that his/her system became part of a bot army. After infection, the bot looks for the channel through which it can communicate with its master. Mostly Channel (command and Control channel) uses the existing protocol to request the command and receive updates from the master, so if anyone tries to look at the traffic behavior then it will be quite difficult to figure it out. Botmaster is used to write scripts to run an executable file on different OS....

Types of Botnet

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How Does it Work?

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Types of Botnet Attacks

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How to Protect Against Botnets?

The most important way to protect from Botnets is to give training to users about identifying suspicious links. Keep the system software always updated to become safe from the Botnets. Using two-factor authentication is a way to be safe from the Botnet. There are several antiviruses present in the market which keeps you protected from Botnets. Try to change passwords on a regular basis for better protection from Botnets....

Botnet Lifecycle

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FAQs on Botnets

1. Give an example of a Botnet?...