Valance Bond Theory

Define Valence Bond Theory.

Valance Bond Theory class 11 is a theory that explains chemical bonding. According to VBT, the overlap of partially filled atomic orbitals results in the formation of a chemical bond between two atoms. The unpaired electrons are shared, resulting in the formation of a hybrid orbital.

What are Merits of Valence Bond Theory?

VBT is used to explain how covalent bonds are formed in the molecules. It is used to explain the strength of H2, F2, etc.

How are Sigma and Pi Bonds formed?

  • Sigma bonds are formed when the atomic orbitals involved in the bond overlap head-to-head.
  • Pi bonds, on the other hand, involve the atomic orbitals overlapping in parallel.

Who Discovered Valence Bond Theory(VBT)?

American scientists Linus Pauling and John C. Slater are credited for the discovery of Valence Bond Theory.

What are Coordination Compound?

Coordination Compounds are the compound that are formed by metal-ligand bonds. Some examples of coordination compounds are, [Fe(H2O)6]3+, [Pt(NH3)2Cl2], etc.

What are Limitations of Valance Bond Theory(VBT)?

Various limitations of the Valance Bond Theory(VBT) are,

  • Valance Bond Theory (VBT) is not able to explain the formation of coordinate covalent bond.
  • Valance Bond Theory (VBT) is unable to distinct between weak and strong ligands, etc.

Valence Bond Theory

Valence bond theory (VBT) describes the formation of covalent bonds and the electronic structure of molecules. It assumes that electrons occupy atomic orbitals of individual atoms within a molecule, and that the electrons of one atom are attracted to the nucleus of another atom.

VBT states that the overlap of incompletely filled atomic orbitals leads to the formation of a chemical bond between two atoms. The unpaired electrons are shared and a hybrid orbital is formed. VBT views bonds as weakly coupled orbitals (small overlap). When the orbitals overlap along an axis containing the nuclei, they form a σ bond. VBT accounts for the directional nature of covalent bonds.

In this article, we will learn about Valance Bond Theory, Valance Bond Theory Class 12, its various postulates, limitations, and other details. Before learning about VBT (Valance Bond Theory), let’s first learn about Hybridization.

Table of Content

  • What is Hybridization?
  • Number of Orbitals and Types of Hybridization
  • What is Valence Bond Theory?
  • Postulates of Valence Bond Theory
  • Applications
  • Limitations

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