Gallons to Litres Conversion

Converting gallons to litres involves a simple mathematical relationship. The conversion factor between the two units is as follows:

1 gallon = 3.78541 litres

This means that one gallon is equal to approximately 3.78541 litres. You can quickly determine the equivalent value in litres by multiplying the given number of gallons by this conversion factor.

Gallon to Litre Conversion Table

To further assist you, here is a Gallon to Litre conversion table showcasing common values in gallons and their respective equivalents in litres:

Gallon (gal)

Liter (L)

0.01 gal 0.0378541178 L
0.1 gal 0.3785411784 L
1 gal 3.785411784 L
2 gal 7.570823568 L
3 gal 11.356235352 L
5 gal 18.92705892 L
10 gal 37.85411784 L
20 gal 75.70823568 L
50 gal 189.2705892 L
100 gal 378.5411784 L
1000 gal 3785.411784 L

Gallons to Liters Converter

Gallons to Liters Converter is a free online tool to convert gallons to Liters. Converting between gallons and liters is a common task in everyday life, especially when dealing with liquid measurements or comparing fuel quantities. So, w3wiki provides a user-friendly and efficient online gallon to litres conversion tool to simplify this process and ensure accuracy. It is an easy-to-use general purpose calculator that can be used in any field such as engineering or Academics. It also helps students and working professionals to solve various day-to-day problems.

Table of Content

  • What is a Gallon(gal)?
  • What is Liter?
  • Gallon to Liter Conversion
  • How to Convert Gallon to Liter?
  • Gallons to Litres Conversion
  • Is the US Gallon and UK Gallon the Same?
  • Conclusion
  • Solved Examples on Gallons to Liters Converter
  • Practice Questions
  • FAQs

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