Home Assignment

First of all, I was given a home assignment to complete in 2 days. I was supposed to build a contact app with OTP SMS-sending functionality. Expected functionalities:

  • The main screen should have two tabs.
  • First tab: It contains a list of contacts (maybe fake contacts). Upon clicking on each contact, it should show Name, Phone number and a button to send OTP which when clicked should send the OTP to the phone number.
  • Second tab: It should show the list of sent messages.
  • User experience includes responsiveness, input validation, etc.

Tech stack used: MERN stack and free Twilio service for sending SMS.

Submission of the project included source code and live site for testing.

Puddle Interview Experience foe SDE Intern (Off-Campus)

My interview experience for Puddle (for SDE Intern). It was an off-campus application and I applied for this job at https://wellfound.com/. The overall hiring process involved two rounds:

  1. Home assignment
  2. Technical + HR interview

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Home Assignment

First of all, I was given a home assignment to complete in 2 days. I was supposed to build a contact app with OTP SMS-sending functionality. Expected functionalities:...

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