Implementation SPSA


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Defining the seed to have same results


Below is a helper function to calculate the output of a polynomial, given the coefficients in the array a and the x value (point to measure).


def polynomial(a, x):
    N = len(a)
    S = 0
    for k in range(N):
        S += a[k]*x**k
    return S


Below function will calculate the mean squared error between the predicted values and the real values. But the final error will be passed with some noise added/subtracted from it.


def Loss(parameters, X, Y):
  # Predictions of our model
    Y_pred = polynomial(parameters, X)
    # mse (mean square error)
    L = ((Y_pred - Y)**2).mean()
    # Noise in range: [-5, 5]
    noise = 5*np.random.random()
    return L + noise


Below function will calculate the gradients given the loss, weights or coefficients of the functions and 


def grad(L, w, ck):
    # number of parameters
    p = len(w)
    # bernoulli-like distribution
    deltak = np.random.choice([-1, 1], size=p)
    # simultaneous perturbations
    ck_deltak = ck * deltak
    # gradient approximation
    DELTA_L = L(w + ck_deltak) - L(w - ck_deltak)
    return (DELTA_L) / (2 * ck_deltak)


By using the below helper function we will choose the constants that are required for the algorithm to work well.


def initialize_hyperparameters(alpha, lossFunction, w0, N_iterations):
    c = 1e-2   # a small number
    # A is <= 10% of the number of iterations
    A = N_iterations*0.1
    # order of magnitude of first gradients
    magnitude_g0 = np.abs(grad(lossFunction, w0, c).mean())
    # the number 2 in the front is an estimative of
    # the initial changes of the parameters,
    # different changes might need other choices
    a = 2*((A+1)**alpha)/magnitude_g0
    return a, A, c


Below functions are the main optimization algorithm and make use of all the helper functions we have defined above.


# optimization algorithm
def SPSA(LossFunction, parameters, alpha=0.602,\
         gamma=0.101, N_iterations=int(1e5)):
    # model's parameters
    w = parameter
    a, A, c = initialize_hyperparameters(
      alpha, LossFunction, w, N_iterations)
    for k in range(1, N_iterations):
        # update ak and ck
        ak = a/((k+A)**(alpha))
        ck = c/(k**(gamma))
        # estimate gradient
        gk = grad(LossFunction, w, ck)
        # update parameters
        w -= ak*gk
    return w


Now, we will show the working of the algorithm we have implemented above with an example.


# Y is the polynomial to be approximated
X = np.linspace(0, 10, 100)
Y = 1*X**2 - 4*X + 3
noise = 3*np.random.normal(size=len(X))
Y += noise
# plot polynomial
plt.title("polynomial with noise")
plt.plot(X, Y, 'go')



Set of random points with noise

Before training


# Initial parameters are randomly
# choosing in the range: [-10,10]
parameters = (2*np.random.random(3) - 1)*10
plt.title("Before training")
# Compare true and predicted values before
# training
plt.plot(X, polynomial(parameters, X), "bo")
plt.plot(X, Y, 'go')
plt.legend(["predicted value", "true value"])



Predictions of the function before training

After training


# Training with SPSA
parameters = SPSA(LossFunction = lambda parameters: Loss(parameters, X, Y),
                  parameters = parameters)
plt.title("After training")
plt.plot(X, polynomial(parameters, X), "bo")
plt.plot(X, Y, 'go')
plt.legend(["predicted value", "true value"])



Predictions after learning the weights

SPSA (Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation) Algorithm using Python

SPSA is an algorithm of optimisation invented by James C. Spall specially useful for noisy cost functions and the ones which the exact gradient is not available. The general Idea is to increase the quality of the answer by estimating the gradient of the cost functions and using it to update the parameters in such way that the cost function is improved (lower its value).

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Implementation SPSA

Python3 import numpy as npimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Defining the seed to have same resultsnp.random.seed(42)...