IN Operator in SQL

To match an expression against a list of values, SQL provides the IN Operator. So we do not need to use multiple OR conditions in SELECT, UPDATE, etc.

We can list values directly or we want to provide a query result to the IN operator.


SELECT columnName(s) FROM tableName WHERE columnNameX IN (value1,vaule2,….);

Here, ColumnNameX is matched with every value (value1, value2,…) in the list. If the match occurs, then IN evaluates to be TRUE, and if the mismatch occurs, then IN evaluates to be FALSE.

Suppose we have a table named “Customers” as:


CREATE table Customer(


Customer Table

Now we want to see the details of the customers whose FIRST_NAME can be ‘Mohit’ or ‘Praful’ or ‘Ritik’, we can use IN operator & give a set of values to check upon.


SELECT * FROM Customer where FIRST_NAME IN('Mohit', 'Praful', 'Ritik');




SQL stands for Structured Query Language. SQL is used for retrieving useful information from a large set of data and it is used for storing the data in the Database, modifying, or manipulating the data from the database.

In this article, we are going to discuss IN Operator and EXISTS Operator in SQL as well as the difference between these two operators in detail.

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IN Operator in SQL

To match an expression against a list of values, SQL provides the IN Operator. So we do not need to use multiple OR conditions in SELECT, UPDATE, etc....

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IN Vs EXISTS Operators

IN Operator EXISTS Operator IN can be used as a replacement for multiple OR operators.  To determine if any values are returned or not, we use EXISTS.  Faster execution as subquery executes only once.  Slower execution as  EXISTS Operator forces the sub-query to execute again &  again for each subsequent outer Query. In the IN-condition SQL Engine compares all the values in the IN Clause. Once true is evaluated in the EXISTS condition then the SQL Engine will stop the process of further matching. Follow BOTTOM – UP  Approach of execution. Follow  TOP-DOWN  Approach of execution. The IN operator cannot compare anything with NULL values. The EXISTS clause can compare everything with NULLs. A direct set of values can be given for comparison. Cannot compare directly the values, a sub-query needs to be given....


In this article, we have basically mentioned the IN and EXISTS operator and the differences between them. Both the operators, whether the IN and EXISTS, play an important role in the Structured Query language. IN operator is used to reduce the OR conditions, whereas EXISTS operator is used to look for the existence of a row in a given table that satisfies a set of criteria or not. The main characteristic of the IN operator is its following BOTTOM-UP approach for execution. There are some differences between their functions, IN operator can not be compared to anything with NULL values but EXISTS can compare with NULL values....

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1: How does the “IN” clause work?...