Intensive subsistence farming

It is a type of agricultural activity in which the crops are cultivated by the owner as well as consumed by the owner and his family. Subsistence farming is done for one’s own sustainability. In this type of farming, simple input tools are used and a small area of land is cultivated but the amount of labor used here is large. The output is enough for the farmer to survive and exchange among the localities as well. Dry sunlight with proper irrigation and fertile soil permits the growth of the crop, more than one crop can be cultivated annually. This type of agriculture is mostly practised in the highly populated areas of the monsoon regions of south, southwest, and southeast Asia.

Characteristics of Intensive Organic Agriculture in India

The characteristics of Intensive organic agriculture in India are as follows:

Land Ownership: Farmers’ land holdings are generally limited, often fragmented, and small in size.

Labor intensive: Farming activities are largely dependent on family labor and sometimes help from neighboring farmers.

Crop diversity: Farmers grow a variety of crops suited to local agro-climatic conditions, including staple food crops such as rice, wheat, barley, and maize

  • Comparison of Methods and Costs: Agricultural methods, such as hand tillage and organic fertilizers, are commonly used. There is limited mechanization and modern investment in agriculture.
  • Market orientation: Surplus produce in excess of subsistence needs is sold in local markets, but the main focus is on personal consumption.
  • Income: Mainly agricultural income, with little difference in other non-agricultural industries.
  • Government support: Smallholder farmers often receive support from the government by accessing grants, financial assistance, and agricultural extension services.

Compare intensive subsistence farming with commercial farming in India

Farming is the activity of growing crops or keeping animals on a farm. The main steps of farming include the preparation of soil, sowing, adding manure and fertilizer, irrigation, harvesting, and storage. Two types of farming are discussed in detail below:

Intensive Subsistence Farming Vs Commercial Farming

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Intensive subsistence farming

It is a type of agricultural activity in which the crops are cultivated by the owner as well as consumed by the owner and his family. Subsistence farming is done for one’s own sustainability. In this type of farming, simple input tools are used and a small area of land is cultivated but the amount of labor used here is large. The output is enough for the farmer to survive and exchange among the localities as well. Dry sunlight with proper irrigation and fertile soil permits the growth of the crop, more than one crop can be cultivated annually. This type of agriculture is mostly practised in the highly populated areas of the monsoon regions of south, southwest, and southeast Asia....

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