Kubectl Output Verbosity and Debugging

The verbosity of kubernetes can be controlled by using a command which is kubectl verbosity. We can add no flags according to our requirements.



kubectl get <resource-type> –v=<verbosity-level

By using this command you set the level of verbosity output.

kubectl get <resource-type> –v=0 Used to be visible to a cluster operator.
kubectl get <resource-type> –v=3

You can more information like extended information about changes.

kubectl get <resource-type> –v=7 Displays the HTTPS request headers.
kubectl get <resource-type> –v=8 Display HTTP request contents.

Kubectl Command Cheat Sheet

If you are inspired to become a DevOps (Devlopment+Operations)’s Engineer and start your journey as a beginner, or if you’re a professional looking to refresh your DevOps knowledge or transition into DevOps, or even if you’re a learning geek seeking to expand your knowledge base, then you landed to the right place. Nowadays, Kubernetes (sometimes shortened to K8s with the 8 standing for the number of letters between the “K” and the “s” ) is a trending technology in the field of DevOps, and having a good understanding of it is crucial.

The Kubernetes Cheat Sheet is a comprehensive guide that serves as a quick reference for learning both the basics and advanced commands of Kubernetes. Whether you are a beginner just starting your journey with Kubernetes or an experienced professional with over 5 years of experience, this guide provides all the necessary commands for managing clusters, nodes, namespaces, and more.

Pre-requisites: Before moving to the Cheat sheet you should have a basic understanding of What Kubernetes exactly is, what are their uses, and how it helps. and knowledge of EKS, and AKS are additional advantages.

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