Main differences between NoSQL and SQL


SQL databases are primarily called Relational Databases (RDBMS); whereas NoSQL databases are primarily called non-relational or distributed databases. 


SQL databases define and manipulate data-based structured query language (SQL). Seeing from a side this language is extremely powerful. SQL is one of the most versatile and widely-used options available which makes it a safe choice, especially for great complex queries. But from another side, it can be restrictive. SQL requires you to use predefined schemas to determine the structure of your data before you work with it. Also, all of your data must follow the same structure. This can require significant up-front preparation which means that a change in the structure would be both difficult and disruptive to your whole system. 

A NoSQL database has a dynamic schema for unstructured data. Data is stored in many ways which means it can be document-oriented, column-oriented, graph-based, or organized as a key-value store. This flexibility means that documents can be created without having a defined structure first. Also, each document can have its own unique structure. The syntax varies from database to database, and you can add fields as you go. 


In almost all situations SQL databases are vertically scalable. This means that you can increase the load on a single server by increasing things like RAM, CPU, or SSD. But on the other hand, NoSQL databases are horizontally scalable. This means that you handle more traffic by sharing, or adding more servers in your NoSQL database. It is similar to adding more floors to the same building versus adding more buildings to the neighborhood. Thus NoSQL can ultimately become larger and more powerful, making these databases the preferred choice for large or ever-changing data sets.


 SQL databases are table-based on the other hand NoSQL databases are either key-value pairs, document-based, graph databases, or wide-column stores. This makes relational SQL databases a better option for applications that require multi-row transactions such as an accounting system or for legacy systems that were built for a relational structure. 

Here is a simple example of how a structured data with rows and columns vs a non-structured data without definition might look like. A product table in SQL dbmight accept data looking like this:

"id": "101",

Whereas a unstructured NOSQL DB might save the products in many variations without constraints to change the underlying table structure

"name":"California Apples",
"name":"Apple MacBook Air",
   "storage":"256GB SSD",
   "cpu":"8 Core",
   "camera": "1080p FaceTime HD camera"

Property followed 

SQL databases follow ACID properties (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability) whereas the NoSQL database follows the Brewers CAP theorem (Consistency, Availability, and Partition tolerance). 


Great support is available for all SQL databases from their vendors. Also, a lot of independent consultants are there who can help you with SQL databases for very large-scale deployments but for some NoSQL databases you still have to rely on community support and only limited outside experts are available for setting up and deploying your large-scale NoSQL deploy. 

Difference between SQL and NoSQL

When it comes to choosing a database the biggest decision is picking a relational (SQL) or non-relational (NoSQL) data structure. While both databases are viable options still there are certain key differences between the two that users must keep in mind when making a decision. 

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