Measures of Central Tendency

Some of the most commonly used measures of central tendency are:

  • Mean
  • Median
  • Mode


Measures of Central Tendency in Statistics

Central Tendencies in Statistics are the numerical values that are used to represent mid-value or central value a large collection of numerical data. These obtained numerical values are called central or average values in Statistics. A central or average value of any statistical data or series is the value of that variable that is representative of the entire data or its associated frequency distribution. Such a value is of great significance because it depicts the nature or characteristics of the entire data, which is otherwise very difficult to observe.

Table of Content

  • Measures of Central Tendency Meaning
  • Measures of Central Tendency
  • Mean
  • Median
  • Mode
  • FAQs

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Measures of Central Tendency Meaning


Measures of Central Tendency

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FAQs on Measures of Central Tendency

Mode is the value of that observation which has a maximum frequency corresponding to it. In other, that observation of the data occurs the maximum number of times in a dataset....