Rail Transport

Rail Transport is a way to transport goods and elements from one location to another by using railway tracks. Railway transport is another basic way to transport goods on land.

Here are some major factors about the Rail Transport as mentioned below.

  • Rail Transport helps businesses to produce more goods by transporting them from one location to another.
  • Rail Transport charges a lower cost than the other land transportation system. So it is commendable if anyone adopts rail transport over the others.
  • Railway Transport crates around over 1.2 million employees over the years. It is the biggest loss-making PSU in India.
  • Railway Transport boosts the economy by transporting goods all over the country by ensuring safety and flexibility.
  • Railway Transport decreases the fuel costs of road transportation for large shipments.

Chapter 7 Land transport| Class 12 Geography Notes

Land transport is a subpart of the Class 12 Geography Chapter 7 which is entitled Transport and Communication. The subpart of Land transport describes the economic aspects of the roadways, railways, and pipelines in a detailed manner. Land transport is the most convenient way to move goods from one location to another as they are cost-effective than waterways and airways.

In this article, we are going to discuss the Class 12 Geography Chapter 7 subpart of Land transport in detail.

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