Regularization in Machine Learning

Regularization is a technique used to reduce errors by fitting the function appropriately on the given training set and avoiding overfitting. The commonly used regularization techniques are : 

  1. Lasso Regularization – L1 Regularization
  2. Ridge Regularization – L2 Regularization
  3. Elastic Net Regularization – L1 and L2 Regularization

Lasso Regression

A regression model which uses the L1 Regularization technique is called LASSO(Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator) regression. Lasso Regression adds the “absolute value of magnitude” of the coefficient as a penalty term to the loss function(L). Lasso regression also helps us achieve feature selection by penalizing the weights to approximately equal to zero if that feature does not serve any purpose in the model.

[Tex]\rm{Cost} = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n}(y_i-\hat{y_i})^2 +\lambda \sum_{i=1}^{m}{|w_i|} [/Tex]


  • m – Number of Features
  • n – Number of Examples
  • y_i – Actual Target Value
  • y_i(hat) – Predicted Target Value

Ridge Regression

A regression model that uses the L2 regularization technique is called Ridge regression. Ridge regression adds the “squared magnitude” of the coefficient as a penalty term to the loss function(L).

[Tex]\rm{Cost} = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n}(y_i-\hat{y_i})^2 + \lambda \sum_{i=1}^{m}{w_i^2} [/Tex]

Elastic Net Regression

This model is a combination of L1 as well as L2 regularization. That implies that we add the absolute norm of the weights as well as the squared measure of the weights. With the help of an extra hyperparameter that controls the ratio of the L1 and L2 regularization.

[Tex]\rm{Cost} = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n}(y_i-\hat{y_i})^2 + \lambda\left((1-\alpha)\sum_{i=1}^{m}{|w_i|} + \alpha \sum_{i=1}^{m}{w_i^2}\right) [/Tex]

Regularization in Machine Learning

While developing machine learning models you must have encountered a situation in which the training accuracy of the model is high but the validation accuracy or the testing accuracy is low. This is the case which is popularly known as overfitting in the domain of machine learning. Also, this is the last thing a machine learning practitioner would like to have in his model. In this article, we will learn about a method known as Regularization in Python which helps us to solve the problem of overfitting. But before that let’s understand what is the role of regularization in Python and what is underfitting and overfitting.

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Regularization in Machine Learning

Regularization is a technique used to reduce errors by fitting the function appropriately on the given training set and avoiding overfitting. The commonly used regularization techniques are :...

Benefits of Regularization

Regularization improves model generalization by reducing overfitting. Regularized models learn underlying patterns, while overfit models memorize noise in training data.Regularization techniques such as L1 (Lasso) L1 regularization simplifies models and improves interpretability by reducing coefficients of less important features to zero.Regularization improves model performance by preventing excessive weighting of outliers or irrelevant features.Regularization makes models stable across different subsets of the data. It reduces the sensitivity of model outputs to minor changes in the training set.Regularization prevents models from becoming overly complex, which is especially important when dealing with limited data or noisy environments.Regularization can help handle multicollinearity (high correlation between features) by reducing the magnitudes of correlated coefficients.Regularization introduces hyperparameters (e.g., alpha or lambda) that control the strength of regularization. This allows fine-tuning models to achieve the right balance between bias and variance.Regularization promotes consistent model performance across different datasets. It reduces the risk of dramatic performance changes when encountering new data....