Round 3: Technical Round Based on Backend Technologies (Part 1)

Having cleared the DSA round, I moved on to the next technical round, which delved into backend technologies. This round was aimed at assessing my knowledge of backend development, including databases, APIs, and server-side logic.

Sample Questions

  • Database Design: Design a schema for an e-commerce application, focusing on the relationships between products, users, and orders.
  • API Development: Describe how you would design a RESTful API for a library management system, including endpoints for adding, updating, and deleting books.
  • Caching Strategies: Explain the different caching strategies you would use to optimize database queries for a high-traffic web application.
  • Microservices: Discuss the benefits and challenges of using microservices architecture in backend development.

The interviewer also asked about my experience with specific backend technologies and frameworks, probing into how I had used them in previous projects.

Increff Interview Experience For SDE1 – Backend Engineer

Embarking on the journey to secure a Software Development Engineer 1 (SDE1) position at Increff was both thrilling and challenging. Known for its innovative approach in the logistics and retail domain, Increff attracted me with its reputation for fostering technical talent and providing opportunities to work on impactful projects. Here’s a detailed account of my interview experience, including the types of questions I faced in each round.

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